Things you learn from Green Room *SPOILERS*
1. Captain Picard is racist.
2. Murdering someone in a room which a band can potentially return to any minute is a dastardly plan.
3. Duct-tape is a premium quality band-aid.
4. Singing a natzi-trashing song in front of a crowd of hard-core natzi punks won't get you in trouble.
5. Bite is 'fass' in German.
6. Red shoe laces are a sign of prestige.
7. Natzi-punks are deadly jelous, literally.
8. Painting your face with a sharpie and screaming like an idiot will subdue your assassins into not killing you.
9. Every natzi punk girl is trained to escape the inside of a couch without making a single noise.
10. People turn into killing machines when inspired by a paintball story.
11. Speaking to your attack dogs in German makes you cooler and truer.