MovieChat Forums > Green Room (2016) Discussion > Things you learn from Green Room *SPOILE...

Things you learn from Green Room *SPOILERS*

1. Captain Picard is racist.
2. Murdering someone in a room which a band can potentially return to any minute is a dastardly plan.
3. Duct-tape is a premium quality band-aid.
4. Singing a natzi-trashing song in front of a crowd of hard-core natzi punks won't get you in trouble.
5. Bite is 'fass' in German.
6. Red shoe laces are a sign of prestige.
7. Natzi-punks are deadly jelous, literally.
8. Painting your face with a sharpie and screaming like an idiot will subdue your assassins into not killing you.
9. Every natzi punk girl is trained to escape the inside of a couch without making a single noise.
10. People turn into killing machines when inspired by a paintball story.
11. Speaking to your attack dogs in German makes you cooler and truer.


12. What most people refer to as bullets are actually called cartridges. The bullet is the part that enters your brain if you keeping talking s**t.

That's all I got.


13. As cool as you might think that "Meat Grinder" is, when the band gets to that song, you should be near an exit (if not a cop).


14. Most Neo Nazi's don't know a Jewish person when they see one.
