MovieChat Forums > Code of Honor (2016) Discussion > Honestly one of the worst movies I have ...

Honestly one of the worst movies I have seen in the last two decades

What else can you say about this terrible excuse for a movie. Seagal needs to drop 100lbs at least and put down the Krispy Kremes because he is now a laughing stock.
Time for him to "retire"...
Then again I am shocked ANY studio would put money towards ANY of his movies


I like Craig Sheffer and was thinking of watching this but it doesn't not even seem like its worth any $$. Craig's choices of movies have been questionable the last 10 years. All B and C movies. Now I don't think I am going to bother.



well then you apparently haven't seen a lot of films, certainly not from the direct to video category. Code of Honor is decent. there are a LOT more amateurishly made and cheap films out there.


I guess you haven't seen Seagal in The Asian Connection. The story is ridiculous.


I have to watch that just for the comedy. Watching these new Seagal movies are akin to watching Benny Hill. I can't stop laughing


i normally get all sorts of pissed off when people bad mouth actors/movies just so they can think they are being cool. i have to agree how terrible this movie is. this time i have to say that the only way i could picture this movie being worthwhile would be if seagal owed 20 bucks to his dealer. this guy has really fallen far over the years. when your doing worse than nicholas cage, you need to re-evaluate your position in life - maybe retire? or he could OD on something and at least get a little attention? robin williams honey booboo could write and direct a better flick.


No way could this possibly be the worst movie in two decades -- this was an awesome movie!

No doubt it's low budget and a direct rip off of dozens of other, much better films; I had fun picking out what scenes were shot for shot (filter for filter?!) stolen from movies, such as the scene where Porter skulks through the club, gun drawn with pumping music and precise lighting to that of Tom Cruise skulking through a club in Michael Mann's Collateral.

The plot's evolution is also borrowed heavily from Fight Club, Face Off, Punisher,

Stolen, borrowed, paid homage to, it felt like I was back in the 80s/90s, with the metal soundtrack, the gun porn, T&A, no political correctness. Joe Bob Briggs would play this movie on his show, I think.

CGI is awful though. But I love a lot of old action films with a lot of *beep* *beep* I think they did an awesome job with what they had and I don't sit through terrible movies, so I gave it an extra star rating because of its ability to keep my interest.


Segal's movies have become so cheesy. I remember one, I forget the title but circa 2006 or so, that starts with a scene that I just assumed was a camera panning over a plastic model of a jungle. I thought perhaps it was to show a mock-up of an attack plan. Then it became clear we were supposed to believe it was a real jungle! It was absurdly cheap. So I am watching this now (netflix) - because IMDB rating is decent - and not expecting much, but always hopeful for a return to Segal's 80s/90s movies' quality.

"...I reaally like bananas... I know it ain't profound or nuthin..." - FarSide Gorilla


I thought Craig Sheffer stole the show in this one as Seagal's dark adversary. Hard to believe the last flick I saw him in was SE Hinton's "That was then this is now" with Emilio Estevez and Larry Scott back in 1984. His role in that movie was a far cry to his intenseness in this movie. Seagal was mostly in the shadows as he has been in his DTV movies of late, and was just there for the ride..
