An abomination
I think the movie had good actors and the acting was ok. The directing was fine and the movie was very nice.
Pretty nicely made movie.
The only thing that is wrong here, is that this movie is an abomination.
It offers nothing but lies about our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Jesus never did anything for anyone of these characters that the movie is based upon. So all this movie does is to lie!
I don't mind horror movies etc. At least, you know where they are coming from, but this movie (and movies alike), are nothing but lies all the way through.
Jesus never raised the guy from the dead. Jesus never came to save the criminals, you catch my drift.
Christian movies should be based on the bible or testaments from Christians about how God affected and changed their lives. Not this way.
God never did these things.
God is alive and he does not like people lying about his works.
"For I am the way, the THRUTH and the life"