MovieChat Forums > Do You Believe? (2015) Discussion > Do you believe god is dead?

Do you believe god is dead?

Yet another thrashing of the the dying, incongruent, fractitious and overwhelmingly irrelevant religion that calls itself christianity.
While thriving as a profit exempt massive industry, and futile transparent attempts to re-invent itself, christianity and catholicism are churning out more and more pieces of propaganda than has recently been seen.

Atheism, skepticism, rationalism, the science's have FAR more importance and relevance in today's society than wrapping yourself up in a snuggly, warm ball of fairy tales and baseless promises, rather than look to what is relevant and paramount.

It's a sad fact of human psychology that we'd rather pretend there aren't serious problems to be faced and dealt with, rather than numb out into your happy place with prayer.

What needs to happen is a changing of the guard within the mainstream film producers and distributors, as these are ( and have been for some time ) defaulted within peoples minds as fact.

The question of the validity and soundness of religion was mostly settled hundreds of years ago by Newton, Hume, Schopenhauer, Kant, Darwin, Nietzsche and many more just to name a few you might recognize.

The true story of how Roman catholicism came to be the ruling arbiter of morals and dominated thought and behaviour in the west, as Islam did in the east. Buddhism, Daoism and other's, while not insignificant, should remain as later material explored as the west is the most devastating cultural phenomenon for over 200 years.

What is needed is a non judeo christian film-maker who has the genius to tell the story (perhaps as a trilogy) of how western civilisation, lead by christianity wreaked havoc and destruction not to mention suppression, corruption lies and death..and leads us up to today.

It would certainly be a difficult project, but look at the success of indie films such as 'Zeitgeist', 'Freakonomics', 'Outfoxed' and many more who are slowly, but I'm afraid not powerful enough to educate people as to why the world came about (morally and psychologically).

There are reportedly 16% of people who identify as atheists! Perhaps a well made, well targeted film may help us realize the world's future depends on sane people such as us.


I debated replying to your comment. It appears that your mind is made up. There is nothing I can really do to convince you of that. It is the work of The Holy Spirit.

God is not dead, and I say AMEN to that!!!

The Bible predicted what was going to happen hundreds and thousands of years before it happened.

In the Book of Genesis, God gave Pharaoh a dream which Joseph interpreted about a 7 year time of plenty and famine. There are those who doubt this happened, but recently they have come up with proof this did happen.

In the Book of Daniel. Daniel interprets a Dream of the king about the future of the world. He describes the Medes, Greeks, Romans, and even what would happen after that civilization fell.

Daniel also predicts when Jesus was going to be born and die.

In the book of Isaiah, it predicts over 150 years before it happens, King Cyrus would overthrow the Babylonian empire.

There are hundreds of prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament. Just taking 8 of the prophecies they say that the chance someone would be born and fulfill just those 8 is 10 to the power of 728. That would be a 1 followed by 728 zeroes.

There has never been one person, even those who you have mentioned who has been able to prove anything. It is said even Darwin doubted himself at the end of his life.

With all of the things the way nature works, the history shown in The Bible. There is not enough evidence for me to doubt the existence of God. There are things that I do not understand, but that is where Faith comes in.

There have been MANY things that have been done in the name of God, but were not his will, but those who acted in His name but doing their own will.

Jesus summed up the 10 Commandments into 2 of them. Love God with all your heart soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself. When looking at what those people in history have done, ask yourself the question, do you think that was the will of God or that person.


God is a character in a fictional book. The origin story of Jesus is a rehash of an earlier story. When you say Amen it's Amen Ra that you are acknowledging. The dates of Easter, Christmas and so on are taken from earlier belief systems. The Christian religion is a fabrication. It's ok they all are, Islam, Mormonism and so on. Have a read about the origins of those religions. You may say to yourself it's obvious they're made up. The funny thing is you can't see that Christianity is made up to. You talk of the way nature works, if you want to put a creative origin on that and it's only natural. It's how we are wired, and religions take advantage of that to provide answers which keep the populace under strict control. Not only under control, but also paying money to those religions. Not only under control, and paying money, but keeping people from realising that their true nature is one of a soul within a body. That to see the soul within as a calm centre we must balance the duality of nature. We don't need the church for anything, we don't need religion for anything. By perpetuating the idea of an external god or savior you never look inward to see the soul within. Christianity is a perversion of an older world belief system based on a trinity. It's sole purpose is to enslave humanity in an Earthly prison of the body without ever realising the true nature of ourselves. The original trinity is the duality of nature set each side of the immortal and infinite soul within.

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


well that is true, but just because Christianity et al are fictionalized and rehashed

it doesn't mean that the original idea of a God is invalid

also, there is a part of the human brain that is susceptible to believe in a higher power, it's in us, nothing to do about that

even certain species of Apes perform religious rituals so it is not purely a human disease to believe in a higher power.

My question has always been, why would nature incur that into the condition of certain intelligent species

that remains a mystery

but yeah, Christianity is just a rehash of prior pagan religions


I don't get the easter comment that keeps coming up.

The Jews had celebrated Passover for centuries before the rise of Christianity. Passover has a specific astrological timing (as in timings of the moon, not zodiac 'astrology').

The crucifixion happened around the time of the passover, so it's fixed in that time.

Now, it may come to pass that other faiths had similar events that happened at the same time, it doesn't mean that event 1 didn't happen be ause event 2 happened at the same time.

The Meso-Americans had accurate astrological timings too. So did the Chinese. Everyone who was ANYONE knew when an equinox was it doesn't mean that one stole it from another.

I think you're probably right if you mean that the Christian world stole the easter egg etc, as that has no basis in the bible what-so-ever, but that's another story.


Amen to that.

