Goodbye message boards
It's a shame, I love coming on here to read about the show and fellow fans.
shareIt's a shame, I love coming on here to read about the show and fellow fans.
shareI'm really bummed about this board, because it has managed to keep the vast majority of trolls away. This board was a positive experience for me, and it's a shame that politics has ruined it all.
MAKE NO MISTAKE that this is coming because of Trump rhetoric on these boards, supporters vs non-supporters. We collectively went "off-topic," and we got served. SAD.
I'm going to follow the poster centrd's lead on where we go...I'm sure we'll all find a place to share our thoughts after Feb 20 on Juicy Luci!
Boy, I sure hope so, but following me could be the blind leading the blind!
Let's put our heads together and figure something out!
"Man is born into trouble as sparks fly upward." –Lucifer
Why don't you guys make a Facebook fan page...
~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~
There already is one. I, personally, hate Facebook. Won't trade my soul, not even for the devil.
"Man is born into trouble as sparks fly upward." –Lucifer
I don't have a Facebook either. I know I only post sporadically, but I read the board ALL THE TIME. I'm with the other poster in this thread... I won't even have any use for my imdb app now... I really hope another board is put together. If I had any idea how to help in that I would, but my tech savvy is next to zero.
shareI will help however i can. I certainly won't be coming here as much now. Just once in a while to check on a tv show or film coming up, but without the message boards there will be very little information of interest.
shareHaha @centrd. Loved your comment about not trading your soul, even for the devil! :)
I'm hoping that enough people sign the petition to the keep the boards alive but, in anticipation of that not happening, we shall keep looking for alternatives. Like you, I hate and refuse to use mainstream social media for this. And I definitely think we need to nominate you president of the new board, as you have a lot of terrific insight and knowledge about the show.
Thanks for all that you (and the other posters) have done for us.
Now, let's hope for a miracle to save our boards. (Luci would be SO upset with us for making a deal with "Dad"! Lol!)
I know a place for us. It is world wide with 4,000 people online at 6:00 A.M. Pacific S.T. Centrd, please pm me.
shareMAKE NO MISTAKE that this is coming because of Trump rhetoric on these boards, supporters vs non-supporters. We collectively went "off-topic," and we got served. SAD.
The Trumpness might have been the final straw, but I have some experience in the "small but passionate" phenomenon of website forums.
(tl;dr Sadly, it costs more than it's worth.)
I learned while working on an all-volunteer MMORPG fansite that the forums accounted for 5% of the traffic on the website. But, compared to the 20 people posting useful info on the main website pages and maintaining it, 100 people were needed to police the forums. This wasn't censoring disagreements and discussions; just restraining people from abusing others. That smaller (but more passionate) population consisted of some trolls, some sociopaths, and some just too young to realize that conduct has consequences.
On a massive for-profit website, I'd guess that too many costly man hours are required to handle the *beep* in comparison to the small amount of revenue from serving the handful of decent people. There are probably liability issues as well: our game fansite had to make a rule that any posts discussing suicide had to be referred to staff for Real Life Intervention, rather than kids posting well-meant support.
I realize this doesn't make it easier to lose the cameraderie (sp?) we have had. But I can't blame IMDB. :-(
I agree, it's probably far too costly for them to maintain the oversight necessary to keep the boards viable, especially with the massive increase in trolling of late.
But what about all the boards out there that utilize fan moderators? Could those not work for them? There's a rapidly growing country-wide site called Nextdoor. Every neighborhood has its own site (connecting to nearby neighborhoods) and each site has its own local moderator/s. And yeah, it still gets a little testy at times, but the moderators have a set of guidelines they follow and they can shut that stuff down. In the case of crazy or abusive moderators, they tend to weed themselves out, or change their attitudes, based on user complaints. That still requires some oversight by Nextdoor staff, but certainly not as much as providing their own moderators for every neighborhood forum. And, of course, NextDoor is slowly adding advertising. Why couldn't IMDB have considered that? Seems like a good opportunity to run an ad for an upcoming movie or tv show, doesn't it? It could be done in a not so obnoxious way. Nextdoor ads are done in a way that get your attention, but don't hit you over the head. They're set up as another message on the board and you can read it or not. IMDB could have inserted sponsored polls, funny bits, etc. to advertise in a not so obvious way to an already desirable built-in demographic.
I don't get it. I mean I do, but I don't. :)
Also, since you're familiar with this, do you mind if I pick your brain? Since I said I'd try to create something new for us, I've got a steep learning curve and can use all the help I can get. One thing I'm not sure about is whether we'd be able to make a new message board visible enough to draw enough people to keep discussion lively. If it's a handful of people it will be obscure and the thing will die. I had a message board on a platform no longer available that had a thousand people and that kept things moving right along. But you get down to 400-500 and it barely percolates. I'm hoping we can find ways to promote it to keep it going. Maybe have a blog connected to it or something?
Also, I'm currently looking at phpBB and PROphpBB. The latter simplifies the former, if I'm not mistaken, and is run by a guy who's very knowledgeable and responsive. But I don't know if it's software platform is as up-to-date. Do you know anything about these free forum building sites? I'm also wanting to be sure that whichever platform we use has a mobile-friendly version of the site. Since most people access the web via their phones.
Any knowledge in any of these areas? I'd be forever grateful. :)
"Man is born into trouble as sparks fly upward." –Lucifer
On another thread someone suggested reddit. And it's a *really* good idea, plus it already exists with no coding required, heh. It has all the settings and features one expects from a forum. I already use reddit for other hobbies/info: there are thousands of subreddits for every topic on earth.
Found one for Lucifer, but there may be more than one.
I got it by querying google for "reddit lucifer tv show."
Reddit asks for your email to create an account, but they don't require authentication. Which is nice.
A great feature on reddit is that people have the option to "vote" up or down on a post. You can also set a personal filter that collapses posts with X-many downvotes, OR keep all posts visible if desired. There's a +/- marker so you can expand to read them - they aren't actually deleted. It can be irritating to be downvoted when it's my own unpopular opinion, lol - but a troll can quickly get sent to oblivion. Nothing a troll hates more than being ignored, so it's a double win!!
Moderation for reports of extreme cases is primarily by volunteers, usually whoever created the specific board (subreddit.) Each subreddit has its' own rules of conduct on the margin saying what is allowed/forbidden. For example, the Lucifer subreddit explains how to do spoilers, forbids unrelated content and piracy, and encourages respectful conduct. Some subreddits require you to "subscribe" to post or vote, but that can mean as much or as little as you want. There are lots of preference settings!!
There are apps to use reddit - I force my mobile browser into desktop mode because I want to see everything. There's an official app in Beta, but other apps already exist. I think one is called Blue, idk.
Be sure to hit enter twice to get a line break in your post - a single one does nothing. When I need help I just google.
Anyway I hope this helps. Check it out and see what you think.
I now, officially, have absolutely no reason to open my IMDb app. I think I'll just delete it.
No, David. No one is happy in a poodle skirt and a sweater set.
This is the best Lucifer board! I will miss reading posts here.
shareI will too.
IMDb set up a Politics Board for those politically minded to have their fights on but no they couldn't allow people to watch and discuss their shows in peace.
In came the trolls infesting the boards in ever greater numbers with their harassment and hate-mongering we are.
Another board going dark.
Hate-watching says more about the viewer than it does about the show.
Because of my profession, I'm not on Facebook or twitter- where will we go? LinkedIn? YouTube?
Is there anyway that the cast or staff of Lucifer can help us in this situation????
These are old post from the imdb board imported here. At the time they announced the board were closing.