Please post what time you went, how full was your theater, what trailers were shown and the audience reaction.


Probably about 45 people in the theatre
No trailers, as I saw this at a film club
Mixed audience reaction. Many criticized it for being too long. But there was roaring audience laughter at some points.


I saw it at 4:05 this afternoon. 14 people in the theater.

The only trailer shown was Bitter Harvest.

The audience laughed sporadically in the first half, and then there were a good number of awkward laughs at the climatic nude party scene. One person walked out about 15-20 minutes before it was over.

I thought it would be really good, but I was really disappointed and let down. I didn't hate it, but it is one of the most, if not the most, overrated films of 2016. I'll save my criticisms for another post though. 4.5/10
