How much did Dirk know?

At one point Todd asks how Dirk knows anything and Dirk says he's not psychic but he is ... something. By the end of the series I assumed he meant he was in the know because his future self had given him some crucial clues, and that's why he followed his instincts and trusted that the universe would take him where he needed to go.

But then the end of the series made things confusing again. And there was that scene with the CIA guy where Dirk started to freak out and fear he was being taken ... I think the guy said something about the body Dirk was in, and I wondered if he was like Jake Rainey, swapping in and out of bodies to live for years and years.

Was that meant to be it? Or is he just some normal guy who saw his future self and got caught up in a lot? I guess Season 2 might be the one to answer that ... hope it isn't too long a wait.


Well, no, Dirk was never a NORMAL man. Dirk is part of that project. Black Wing was it? He's Icarus. He has intuition related powers. Think about it. That's how he also knew that Todd drew a cowboy on the napkin, there was no future Dirk who told him about that. Dirk very clearly exhibited some psychic-esque abilities.
