Where did the lotto ticket come from?

Did I miss something or is the origin of the ticket supposed to be a mystery?

All Your Robocops Belong To Us


Todd found it in the hallway before he opened the door to the penthouse at the beginning. He pocketed as he didn't know anything was wrong yet. He kept forgetting over and over to tell the police.


"Forgetting"? I'm not sure about that. But... one of the least surprising twists was when the ticket came up a winner. I generally figured it would happen when he picked it up, then when Dirk told him he would get paid somehow (don't recall how he put it), it was pretty obvious the lottery ticket was how that would come about.


When first questioned by the police at the hotel, they ask if he took or touched anything at the crime scene and Todd says he did not. Shortly after, (way before the final scene) he remembers the ticket but is scared to turn it in.


There's a pretty big difference between forgetting something and lying about something. He didn't forget about the ticket, he purposely lied about it. Throughout the series they make it clear that Todd is a liar.

Not sure where you get the idea that he's afraid to turn it in. His plan is to give it to his sister because of his guilt.

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> "Forgetting"? I'm not sure about that. But... one of the least surprising twists was when the ticket came up a winner.

And now Bart seems to have all the money.

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Except he didn't, because the ticket was torn to pieces before it could be turned in. So what you thought was obvious turned out to be wrong. :P

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob: http://kingofbob.blogspot.ca/


in addition to what the poster above me said, I'm near-certain there is literal blood on the ticket. making it -in my opinion- all the more likely it was not simply a lapse in memory.

if you don't have anything nice to say ...you're probably a butthole


Also he saw himself on the 18th floor. Which got me thinking that time travel is involved?


The talk about time travel may have been a tip! 😀


It originates in the truck. Todd took it from the truck immediately before they go into the hotel and left it in the hotel room where his past self discovered it.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob: http://kingofbob.blogspot.ca/


Did I miss something or is the origin of the ticket supposed to be a mystery?

I think it is the "univers" compensating him for helping on the case...... but how....

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