MovieChat Forums > The Bye Bye Man (2017) Discussion > I am on the fence about whether I think ...

I am on the fence about whether I think this will be good or not.

I have high hopes for it.

This year is looking like one of the BEST years for horror films we've had in some time.

I've seen a lot of amazing trailers for 2016 films.

Observance (looks terrifying)
The Woods (also looks terrifying)
The Shallows
The Neon Demon
The Ones Below
The Girl on the Train (more of a thriller, but definitely looks to be on the darker side of thrillers)

and now this one.

Observance and The Woods are getting rave early reviews. And The Ones Below is getting solid reviews as well.


Also Don't Breathe is getting good reviews. Lights Out had such good test screenings it got moved to a summer release.


Don't Breathe should be amazing. The premise is somewhat original and the reviews are promising.


It's good to hear that Lights Out had great test screenings because the trailer made it look really stupid and generic. The trailer for Don't Breathe SUCKED but I have a feeling the movie will be great...tightly wound.


I have heard reports Lights Out tested even better than The Conjuring. The director is active on here and reddit, and made mention theater of 200 and no negative comments after one screening.


Movies like The Devil's Candy, Evolution, Under the Shadow and The Mind's Eye also got good reviews so far.


Yes I've heard amazing things about Under the Shadow!
