MovieChat Forums > Ah-ga-ssi (2017) Discussion > How do general folks in Korea feel about...

How do general folks in Korea feel about the gay relationship depicted?

South Korea isn't the most gay-friendly country, so I was wondering what the general public thought about this movie, made by one of their greatest directors, that depict same-sex relationship? The fact that the biggest studio in Korea just went ahead and put a lot of money into a big budget movie like this is pretty amazing. How did the South Korean media cover the success of the film?

I can't imagine a big director in my country going anywhere near gay themes (let alone explicit sex scene). The film censor board would never pass such a film without making several cuts, and the religious-nationalist folks won't allow screening of such a film in several cities, in my country.

Would really appreciate if someone living in Korea could answer.



"South Korea isn't the most gay-friendly country"


if this was North.. that would be different.



I think he means gay in an actual sexual way, not in a PSY way.

I always thought it was in some extent due to the Christian religious feelings. No much porn in South Korea either.


Its true if youre gay in Korea you certainly do not come out!!! There are some underground gay clubs and such but traditional conservative Korean society does not accept gays not in any way shape or form!!

I have a lesbian friend in Seoul who dates a Korean lesbian, and she is very much locked in the closet and is fearful of being spotted by other Koreans who might recognize her as a lesbos!!


they're not fans
