Why is there so much attention given to Alex's new lesbian relationship? This is supposed to be a series about a superhero, not a super muff diver. Everyone today is trying so hard to be politically correct that they border on the ridiculous. There are two gay characters on Orphan Black, Felix and Cosima, but it is taken with great seriousness. On Supergirl, it is all about Alex's embarrassment about whether or not her friends are picturing her eating out her girlfriend. This is not politically correct. It is a stereotype.
Nah. Comparing this show to Orphan Black is ridiculous. Apples to oranges. Orphan Black is serious, with humour. Supergirl is humerous, with touches of seriousness.
You think whenever Mon-El and Kara share a scene they're not sharing their (eventual) relationship? I think your problem is that you're so focused on Alex and her gayness that you can't see beyond that. She's, what, one of five main characters? As opposed to one of nine (if we're comparing Orphan Black).
Of course she's going to get more screentime with Maggie than Cosima and Delphine, seeing as how Delphine was absent from most of the past season. And Felix? He doesn't settle down, so why would they elaborate on him and his guy of the week? His relationship with Krystal was much more substantial than any romantic relationship he's had in the show.
For one, I'm happy that they've spotlighted Maggie and Alex as much as they have. Normalizing gay relationships does a huge amount of good.
Criticizing it is your right, but as a former teen who was in the closet years ago, it's about Goddamn time.
Nice OB assessment. Supergirl is a fun show- but is light years away from the brilliance and seriousness of OB.
I feel as though Kara and Mon-El's development is far more juvenile and embarrassing than Maggie and Alex, but I don't really see people bellyaching about them! "Do you like me?" "You didn't like me, so I dated someone else." Kara is pining yet walking away- why doesn't she just smack him in the arm before running?! Silly silly.
"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."
Yup, gay couples is the "next big thing" in TV land, or more accurately US TV land.
It's just one of those things. In the case of Supergirl I think they were just struggling to give Alex any character growth so let's go gay.
I honestly don't care, it's not like it's a super huge plot point that's getting pushed down our throats like some other shows I watch.
If it makes you feel better I say that gay couples will decrease over the next few years and the next big thing getting a push will be transgender characters.