People are so hypersensitive. On more than a couple of instances, I've seen people take THEIR American Flag and being that it is their personal property set it ablaze, particularly in protest to an impending war. People were so offended by this guy's act of protest that he was issued corpious death threats. I'm a Veteran of the First Gulf War and I wasn't offended by his actions.
Then again, the US has been engaged in perpetual warfare since its inception.
As the global anomoly, we are the only nation whose citizens to have never had a single generation that has not experienced any form of a war.
There was also the instance when I was in Hong Kong a few months following the collapse of the Twin Towers. There were merchants peddling the bubble shaped planes that crashed into the Towers, like a toy memorabilia. There were a few other Americans other than myself there, I believe they we're Expats who had been living there for years. They were irate.
They were attempting to tell the guy how offfensive the toys were. But, of course, being Americans were incapable of speaking even a sentence in Cantonese. I was more offended that they had been residing there for nearly a decade and were still incapable of speaking the native language.
That, and making a scene (in the view of the natives) by telling them what they should not sell in their own country simply reedified the "Ugly American" stereotype of us being arrogant, ignorant, and uncultured. But, this primarily applied towards White Americans only.
You want to talk about being offended:
I've been to 39 different nations and am constantly bombarded with questions. I swear they're setting is I somehow. African-Americans are branching out to other countries in order to escape American racism, and are doing damn well. Interestingly, far better than they ever did here as they're often provided loans that American banks frequently deny to them. In addition to their new wealth, they open businesses, hire the locals while providing them with much better salaries than US companies who are associated as being owned by White Americans. Then they master the language within two years because they enroll in language courses almost as soon as they depart from the plane.
All you here is "why do Black Americans show so much respect to us and you Whites show nothing but arrogance and violence?" I can't even count the number of times I've been called "White Devil." I'm always being stopped at airports for my luggage to be checked to make sure that I don't have any guns on me, of course because all White Americans carry guns (on our hips).
But, ive been to countries while I'm leaving the airport, security stops me when they're informed I'm from the US, just so they can ensure I don't possess any guns. Meanwhile some Blacks are walking right pass us speaking English. But in fairness, there has been a lot of Americans who attempt to bring their personal firearms into a country. Once, I was so posses at watching even more Blacks walking by without being checked, I said, "why aren't you checking them? Why only me?!!" They laughed and said, every time we checked them they never bring anything illegal, only you guys."
Sorry for the diatribe, I guess that I still have a little pony up frustration remaining.