the fire may make it difficult to get evidence. they'd certainly be able to establish that the basement contained dead people but would they be able to tie the murders to her? since her brother was the one behind the killings (nicely foreshadowed in her talk to Vance about his brother) it's unlikely they had any victims more recent than his illness, so it would be difficult to establish whether or not she was involved in the killings or if her brother was behind it all with her ignorant of it
I was actually half expecting a scene at the end with Dan helping her to establish a story of the two of them defending themselves against the intruders and claiming he was being held hostage when Anna talked to Charlotte. though it's difficult to imagine her letting her dead brother take the blame for the other murders and once safely away from her Dan might have been less willing to alibi her, so it probably wouldn't have been a satisfying ending
I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me...