Episode 10 (spoliers)

I figured around episode 3 that the final scene of episode 10 he'd wake up, move a hand etc. The hallelujah was perfect.

But I'm worried this will end up like Boss and only run another short season.


I don't think extending to story further is really needed..there is the bodies that need justice of sorts but we already know how powerful purnell is to get away with all that. It ended the story perfectly


It ended the story perfectly

Agreed, smk23.

It had that 'we're not sure we'll be back for season 2' ending that makes season 1 a standalone.

If they are wise they will treat this in a 'True Detective' manner and tell an entirely different story.

I personally don't want or need to see any more of this one.
There really isn't more areas to extend in my opinion.


Could I be satisfied if that was the end?
Yeah...it worked.

Would I like to see the story extended?
You bet! Loved the series and plenty of more story to tell.


by eddie_willers
Would I like to see the story extended?

It really worked for me that the Judge was connected to his comatose son and was seemingly being directed to act on his behalf in the name of God/vengeance.

With the son awake and/or dead that would remove that personal/believable connection to the hand of God/vengeance that compelled the judge, which was the very backbone of the entire series.

That would remove the supernatural/spiritual element from the show.

Now, they COULD turn the show into some sort of "Ghost Rider" styled series where the judge is directed to enact supernatural justice for other victims of crimes after being directed to do so via God/the voice of the dead, but that would turn the show gimmicky and even take away the main reason as to why he heard voices in the first place.

His personal connection to his son, and his guilt that he was to blame for his sons attempted suicide. Would he now just hear the voices of the innocent-dead in general? Would he be like 'The Ghost Whisperer'?

That would be lame. 

Loved the series and plenty of more story to tell.

I enjoyed the series, however with the removal of the spiritual/supernatural/psychotic-break angle it wouldn't really be the same show.

Would he STILL be hearing voices even after his son died/or awoke, or would the show now just be about the Judge being punished for his crimes?

You could tell more stories but there doesn't seem to be a need to do so since it was really build around a main premise that seems already resolved.

It's like "TWIN PEAKS" and the "who killed Laura Palmer" premise.

Once that's resolved and since the show was entirely built around that premise, what was left to do?

Inevitable cancellation.

They would be wise to tell another tale and leave the Judge all together.

Season one should be it's own story, as it is fully complete and finished.


Depends on the writers. (as everything ALWAYS does)

That breath may just be the beginning of the naysayers thinking "wait a minute" and they have a good story to tell.

If not, I'm with you....let these creators spend time telling a different story.

They've earned that.


Even if PJ woke up or died, there's still enough left in the premise. After all, it can still be the voice of God talking to him, not his son. So God might have more work for him. There's that possibility.

There's also the loose end of PJ's software program. Where did it go? The girl that works for the biggest tech company in the world is just going to sit on that??? Hell no. I bet she gave it to Brooks already, and taking down Brooks would be a great motivation for season 2.

Speaking of villains, let's bring on evil personified. You can always come up with some evil SOB or satanic killer that KD and Harris have to take down.

We also have to deal with evading the cops. So there's that.
