MovieChat Forums > Hand of God (2014) Discussion > Preachers girlfriend question

Preachers girlfriend question

So she was willing to blow some bank manager to get a check cashed but then all of a sudden she's mrs. Morality the rest of the show? Whats up with that ?

Rectum, damn near killed him!


$50,000.00 is enough for a woman to temporarily abandoned her morality. Heck, I bet she would have polished his knob for $500.

He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator.


I was wondering if the baby she is carrying is the bank manager's.


I doubt it. She only gobbled his goober. Unless something immaculate transpired the banker has no worries.

He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator.


Well I think it was pretty much her arc in this show, that she changed a lot. I think she was pretty cold and calculating at first, but events made her reconsider. It was almost as if roles were reversed at the end, since the preacher was more of the cold calculating one towards the end of the season.


In retrospect, after finishing the show, that scene felt really out of place. When it happened I expected them to cash the check and skip town but they were there to stay so it seemed completely unnecessary.

I think they just wanted to establish that they were dirty and overplayed it a little because it really didn't fit with her character in the whole of the show.

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Why not Zoidberg? (\/)(;,;)(\/)


Dana Delaney did tell us what WE SHOULD ALL BE thinking when she grabbed the preacher by the knackers, from actor to CON MAN. Preachers are the modern day SNAKE OIL salesmen. THIEVES but not vagabonds. Public giving money freely to the scum is one thing but getting aid in any form from the treasury [money not freely given] is another thing. My mission is to stop the so called aid given to charities on top of the as said freely given donation. It is all a big con to get money. Nothing more. JESUS was rich but not in the worldly sense. He overturned the tables of the faith sponsored money lenders etc at the Synagogues and its about time we learned the lesson. What should be thought about was how a banker was able to adjust the safety precautions when his [how clean was it anyway] appendage was about to be placed in the warm red glossy tubed entrance to the alimentary canal of an attractive woman. Who needs guns to rob a bank. If Jesse James had just known that little diversion?????


I don't know about the aid you're talking about but I do know that the vast majority of pastors in America live paycheck to paycheck because they are rarely paid enough to live on. Of course there are con-artists out there abusing people and getting rich but they are a tiny, tiny percentage of pastors and ministers. Most of those people either really, really terrible con-artists or you're just wrong to claim it's all about money and nothing more.

Need a new signature?
Why not Zoidberg? (\/)(;,;)(\/)


There are 33,000 variations of the s called Christian faith all no doubt registered as charities [can have no discrimination]. While the rank and file worship [and pay for the privilege] the non believer who has organised it all may well be screwing the congregations in more ways than one.
Any so called pastor living from hand to mouth will be seen as perhaps schizophrenic and preaching on street corners living on state hand outs.


It was clearly suggested at the end of the series that she did that only with the bank manager, and she did it because that little a-hole convinced her. She loves that little pos way too much for her own good.

"Relics of ancient times. Lonely cenotaphs. Standing along that melancholy tideland."


I agree. It really jarred for me - really inconsistent characterisation. It seemed like her character in episide one and then episodes two - ten were two completely different people. I didn't feel it was an 'arc' as the switch was early and sudden.

A shame as all the other characters developed in a consistent fashion. (And I preferred her devious!)


I came to start the same thread. And I think she banged him not just a BJ.

I think after the pilot they decided to change her character up and just pretend that never happened.
