Amazon's Agenda

I love Ron Perlman. I was so excited for this show, so excited to see him as a major star in something after Sons of Anarchy ended. I didn't even think twice that it was coming from Amazon. Will never make this mistake again. First it was Alpha House, which is a show where the characters call republicans stupid and homophobic over and over and over and over again, which for some reason, liberals seem to find hilarious, no matter how many times the same "you're stupid", or "you're homophobic", is said of republicans. They don't understand that things can be funny without being hateful douchebags. Everything has to be about calling white people, republicans, or anyone who loves America stupid. Nothing can just be about plain old life, it always has to be about us and them. The show doesn't even attempt to balance anything even though the democratic party is in a profound supply of corruption, stupidity and bigotry.

So why am I talking about Alpha House? Because Hand of God and it share the same hard left agenda. To smear Christians, utterly and completely. Mock people of the faith, no matter what good they do, to liberals, that doesn't matter. They're sick people that those good hearted, righteous liberals are trying to cure. God bless them! What would we do without Amazon?!

I tried to like this show hard. I did. For Ron's sake. I *beep* love that guy. But it very quickly became about how the jew who was insulted tried to make an example of crossing a line with the N word, that words mattered. But he couldn't even do that, because being hateful toward a jew isn't near as big of a crime as calling someone the n word. I wanted to puke at this point. Here we go with black people thinking they are the most wronged and helpless people in the history of the world and we all have to bow down to them and kiss their feet because we're so evil. Oh my God. I am getting sick.

Give me a SHOW about LIFE. Not about your bleeding heart issues. I should have known Amazon would do this after Alpha House.


Though I agree with your first paragraph 100%, I don't see the same thing in Hand Of God.

Regardless of all the blasphemy and typical heretical thoughts and actions performed by the characters, in the end....and through it suggests there really IS a supernatural God there working in His mysterious ways. are correct that _on-the-surface_ it looked like just another Hollywood bashing of Christians and conservatives, but I think a more subtle denunciation of that self-same attitude lay under the surface.

I may be wrong, but that's what I took from it.

PS... I also think that Jeff Bezos is getting a little more conservative and less of a liberal as he is getting older....much like most people.



Come on, people, can't we just watch films without getting into political *beep* ???


I'll start by saying that I've only seen the first episode of Alpha House, I thought it was kinda dumb so I didn't watch any of the other episodes. House of God on the other hand I loved so I saw all the episodes. I will say that I think you're wrong in basically every point you made, and I'll explain why.

You seem to take offense at tv shows portraying republicans/conservatives as 'stupid' or 'homophobic' yet you're acting as if this narrative is completely fabricated. There are a DOZEN of very obvious examples I could give you. When McCain was running for president a woman stood up and started off by stating "Obama is a Muslim" Now there is no actual proof that this is true. Obama has always claimed to be a christian, has gone to church throughout most of his life. Now I'm not putting the crazy supporter on McCain's feet, because McCain did correct the woman and said that Obama isn't a Muslim and is a good man. The problem is that the woman from the audience is a reflection of what a lot of republicans think. Just last week someone stood up in a Trump rally and said Muslims are a problem in America and also called Obama a Muslim. Gay marriage is legal yet its the republicans that are still fighting it. When that Kim Davis woman got sent to jail TWO republican candidates showed up and gave her support. So please.. Try not to get so high and mighty when tv shows or movies reflect what a lot of republicans think. Do ALL republicans think and believe that? No of course not, but a big chunk of them do, so that kind of characterization on tv shows isn't exactly 'unfair'.

As for the N word and the Jewish feud, I think you're projecting your own views onto the characters. I don't think the show was trying to make any kind of 'statement' It also didn't say one was worse than the other. Each character had a reason for believing what THEY believed. To the Jewish guy having his people insulted was crossing the line, while the black guy was offended by the N word, his priorities were different. Both aggressions were offensive in their own way. If anything I thought that whole exchange showed how different people deal with the issue of prejudice in different ways, which is fine since it wasn't a major plot point in the movie anyway.

(Spoilers ahead)

As for House of God, none of the character in the show identified as either republican or democrat, and honestly the way they acted they could have gone either way. The series also doesn't look down on religion. The show isn't about Christianity, nor is it about God. The show is about people and how and how some can use religion for their own gains. The preacher for example does actually believe in God, something that is clear when he and that girl he is with are alone, and the two talk about God, or just pray. He is also a flawed character in many ways. He wants to do 'God's work' but he does compromise his own beliefs. He marries Parnell a second time even though he is already has a wife. he asks his girlfriend to get an abortion so they can be on TV with that televangelist guy.

For me personally I thought the most interesting character was KD and the struggles he was going through. He is a troubled man with a very dark past. As his story unfolds you learn about his background, the whole KKK thing, however he is a man who is trying to change. He WANTS to be good, wants to be a good Christian. And I believe that he is actually one of the more moral characters in the show, which is ironic since he kills two people throughout the series. At first you think he is just some kinda religious psychopath, especially when he kills the rapist without any remorse. But then he kills someone else who Parnell said was guilty, then later finds out that the man he killed was innocent. You see the effect it has on him, and how it absolutely destroys him.

I guess ultimately my point is that the show itself was about the characters first and foremost, all the racial and religious stuff was just a byproduct of what was happening. All of your views seem to stem from more how you feel as opposed to any 'point' or 'agenda' that the series has.


With the exception of the "most republicans believe that way" comment, I agree with most of your post.

I have completed the series and took from it pretty much what you did. I even find KD one of the best, most likable characters on the show.

At no point, did I think "liberal Amazon" was trying push their political views on us. On the contrary, Parnell seemed to be more of a republican judge by the way he hands out guilty verdicts.

The show displayed the hypocrisy of both sides (religious and non-religious people) fairly accurately. Is the hypocrisy the norm? I'd say so; maybe not to the extent the show portrays, but it was done for dramatic effect.


There is just as many examples for any other thing you want to talk about - politically wise. Hilary Clinton - for example - is in PROFOUNDLY NEVERENDING supply of corruption, stupidity and INCREDIBLE flip-flips.

Yet... Here you are pointing out some stuff some random so-called "republican" said? Funny how you know what these random nutjobs said/did - but only if they're republican. It sure is a big mystery how democrats continually get away with murder - its almost like they own the media companies, Wall Street, the mega-banks and now, thanks to Obamacare - have their hands in big insurance. Oh, who could forget big pharma? Like how they just banned kratom and put it on schedule 1 w/o a single piece of evidence to back up their decision to make it as illegal as heroin? Its almost like the democrats own the entire establishment. Wow.

But you're just going to ignore all of that - you didn't see it in a show - you didn't see it on the news headline - so it all must be lies.

Just continue being your anti-White, anti-responsibility self.


Wow, you seem to be able to pick out anything, from anything. What is it like to have superhuman powers of perception? Is that what makes one a republican and not a democrat or independent? What I saw was a very conservative judge as the protagonist, and it appears they leave it open whether he really talks to God. But, what really bugs me to be honest aside from talking politics in a thread about a tv show, is why republicans this cycle seem to portray it as if you are Christians you have to be for the Republican Party. If you are a democrat you are not? It occurs to me Conservatives are more like the teachings of the Old Testament fire and blood, "Liberals" lol are more like the New Testament teachings of Jesus. Compassion, Love for your fellow man and woman, don't cast the first stone, stick out of your eye, rich man-camel through needle, cared for the poor and the sinners, etc. etc. Actually, now that I think of it maybe repubs are the Romans? Lol


I am not from the US so let me give you a view from the outside:

* I didn't notice ANY political "agenda" whatsoever. I can't even remember anyone naming a political party.

* And I am baffled what it could be that you call "hard left agenda" ... The US as a whole is quite far on the right and apparently SO far that things that would cover middle ground are considered "hard left".

* Where are christians smeared!? If anything, the opposite is true ... see, there is a strong suggestion that Pernell isn't insane and there really is a god. Stongest evidence so far: Pernell identified Shane to be the rapist through his visions and it turns out he IS the rapist.
So, now that would make Pernell a kind of saint and probably later a martyrer because everybody thinks he is insane. Moreover, it would put him in the right because he takes direct instructions from god.
And what about the others? We have methheads, prostitutes, corruption, everybody is having an affair, they smoke weed, drink booze, blackmail each other ... the list is endless.
To ME it looks like a typical american production with pro-christian "agenda" (since you like that word so much). I haven seen the season's finale yet so I don't know how it will turn out but that's my impression and I would have stopped watching Hand of God if it wasn't for my wife enjoying the show. She is asian and therefore not oversatured with this theme yet but I am.
Interested how different perspectives can be, right?

* "Here we go with black people thinking they are the most wronged and helpless people in the history of the world and we all have to bow down to them and kiss their feet because we're so evil."
You can say the EXACT same thing about jews! In fact you can go much farther than that - jews apparently can never be wrong and can say wahtever they want because as soon as you point anything out they pull their "my grandma died in a gas chamber" card.
Again, you cannot possibly imagine how petty and small minded your little rand over the jew vs black man rant is. And you probably also didn't understand that part in the show either - both Pernell and Goldstein are being silly here.

How comes that in the US everything has to be black or white, "us vs them"? Why is everybody dug up in a trench warfare with polar opposits? Or, more important, why do you try so hard to find polar opposits in every debate? With premade stances you just have to repeat, catchphrases and all? When I see keywords like "bleeding heart", "liberal/republican" etc. I usually know it'll be a onesided, biased and probably hateful debate, no matter which "side" was picked - picking a side at all is the first mistake.


You seem to generalize a lot. Blacks this? Jews that ? Liberals this? Get over your racism and hatred. It is so obvious.
