I didn't think it was possible to make idiot American Nazi's look good
by comparison,but watching this show on tv it was hard to tell who the freaking Nazi's were.
The Southern Poverty Law Center,itself a supremacist organization dedicated to stomping out hatred for Jews who themselves claim they are Gods Chosen People were the instigators here,sending in agents to talk and fire the locals up.
Next thing I see is the locals screaming about "Godless Nazi's" because it seems that in rural North Dakota and anywhere else the SPLC operates it is not permitted to not believe in The Big Ranger in the Sky theory. Evidently,and I didn't know this,the Nazi's don't believe in the Christian/Jewish God,and that right there is sufficient cause for the bumpkins to use the power of local government to "vote them off the island" by having laws changed aimed specifically at the Nazi's.
The locals even go to the point where they keep driving past the Nazi houses at all hours blowing their horns to wake them up,going out into their yards and screaming hellfire and damnation at them as they walk past down the public street,and then call the cops and say the Nazi's threatened them while they were minding their own business on their own property.
The AMERICAN way to deal with idiots like the Nazi's is to ignore them as long as they aren't committing actual crimes. I have never seen or heard of one that wasn't a major drama queen,so if you ignore them they will go away.
ALL these people had to do was leave them the hell alone. Period. Instead they turned into a lying vigilante lynching mob with the help of the local politicians.
One of the prime ones that kept complaining fancied himself as a news camera man who walked around sticking video cameras in their faces and shouting questions at them had to refuse to testify in court after his sworn testimony was the most evidence the cops had about what the Nazi's said to him,and then come court time he had to refuse to testify because he had been lying all along,and had no proof.
I honestly didn't think it was possible to make Nazi's look good in comparison to anyone,but the SPLC and the people of that town sure did prove me wrong.