Thoughts on Season Two Premier
So glad to be right about Khlyen and his relationship to Dutch. Can't wait to see what she does when she finds out. But then it brings up all kinds of plotlines regarding her backstory and just how much she actually knows about her own history and in this case doesn't know. Maybe we'll find out about her mother.
Hate it so when they jump time between seasons. Love it that Killjoys didn't.
I can't believe I'm actually interested in Pree's "prior" life. There's so much there to be explored. He was just a prop last season. Now I can see him becoming a much more important part of the team.
I hated what happened to Fancy. He grew on me. But I see him being what Khlyen wanted D'Avin to be. My guess is that Fancy is now Khlyen's bodyguard. And D'Avin was to be Dutch's. We do know some of what happened to D'Avin stuck, we just don't know how much.
Speaking of D'Avin, just how much does he know about Dutch's history? Is he back on Lucy? Can Dutch now trust him and should she even less now?
Aside from that horrible opening credits thing that makes my head hurt, I was very happy with the show last night.