MovieChat Forums > Killjoys (2015) Discussion > The life support (spoilers 204)

The life support (spoilers 204)

Olan seals himself and his brother onboard Lucy and cuts the station's life support. It was never said that he was venting the air, just that the life support, which I assume to mean the system that cleans the air, was shut off. It was then said that they would run out of air in 15 minutes.

A person locked in an airtight bank vault would have more than 15 minutes of air. That station was huge. If you look closely at the exterior shots, you can see Lucy and the other ship docked on the side and they look like Micromachines next to a full-sized car. There would have been enough air in there for a week. Even if you use the theory that only some parts of the station had air since the rest weren't being used, just the areas they're seen walking around in would have enough air for hours.

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Sci-fi trope.

The extreme example was in Oblivion, with Tet announcing her huge Inner Sanctum is now filled with breathable atmosphere for Jack -- as the iris opens for him to enter with his ship. The atmosphere would have escaped through the opening iris from the differential alone.


Est modus in rebus sunt certi denique fines quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum Goldilocks


The extreme example was in Oblivion, with Tet announcing her huge Inner Sanctum is now filled with breathable atmosphere for Jack -- as the iris opens for him to enter with his ship. The atmosphere would have escaped through the opening iris from the differential alone.

At least that can be rationalized as the Tet having a force-field that would keep the air from escaping, but prevent more objects like the ship through. The later Star Trek shows used that all the time in the shuttle bays, as did Star Wars.

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