I can certainly see a foreign royal house being a precursor to the Nine of Qresh. So I can see Khlyen, Dutch and her unnamed parents being members of that bloodline.
Well, possibly with the precursor thing but why would any group of people need a precursor? They would just make themselves the ruling families, the end. Humanoids like that. But then your point does seem to make sense in that nine is an odd number, literally and figuratively. Could there possibly have been a ten? I'm thinking about the clues we have with the Qreshi families. Delle Sayah seems to have no idea about Dutch and had her assistant do some checking. Then Sayah never seemed to know more than just Dutch's given name and that Dutch was Khylen's "pet". Then of course Sayah didn't seem to have a problem doing what Khylen told her to do. So there is something there, maybe that precursor thing. Still iffy on what that could possibly be. But Khylen just being a mentor (even a level 6) doesn't explain why everyone that encounters him is one step from bowing and kissing his pinky ring. So whatever Khylen is, he's not the manservant of anyone, including any possibility of a set of mystery parents to Dutch.
However, I don't think that Dutch herself has any previous memories of Arkyn. When D'Avin asked her if she had ever been there before she said no. The memory that D'Avin witnessed seemed to be a genetic memory/database that the level 6's can access.
Agreed! Yet Arkyn has to play a very important role to the overall backstory of Khylen and Dutch. I can't believe Arkyn is their home world (which I did for half a second). But it could be that your precursor thing kicks in here. Maybe at one time Khylen's kingdom was on Arkyn and their people were kicked off the planet before the nine took over the Quad. Then there's the J or Jay (a cluster of moons or planets, maybe) and I'm not sure how that kicked into the story.
Khlyen said that he shouldn't be able to see that memory "yet", so I assume that all the level 6's can share or access that knowledge once they finish the "green goo" process.
Now see this is strange as hell. Khylen controls or controlled the RAC in someway. We know what the RAC is and why it's in the Quad. We know Khylen was a part of expanding the RAC to "other galaxies" that need law and order and that's why RAC agents are basically the enforcement branch of the law.
So here's my wild theory about level 6's and the goo. Sixes are top secret. With Khylen trying to make D'Avin a level six, it was a way to control D'Avin (that's what happened to Fancy). Level six's are not RAC agents but possibly a group of sleeper cells for Khylen that the Nine has no idea that's what Khylen is doing. The memories are a part of making them subservient and subconsciously loyal to a royal family or people they had no reason to be loyal to the death for. Per Fancy who got the full treatment, the memories and goo make them loyal to Khylen, and part of that loyality (per D'Avin) includes Dutch. The memories force the new level six to know who Dutch is and ensure that Dutch is seen fighting as well. Thus for me Khylen, Dutch and the royal family is one and the same. (I know, there was a level six that tried to kill Dutch).
Then we have Khylen discussing with the young Yalena that the other girl's mistreat her because her family name Yardeen is a disgrace. Therefore something bad did happen. Then we have Khylen telling her that her name is honorable. So we can believe that her family was defeated but still controls Khylen? My guess is not likely.
I'm guessing Khylen is traveling throughout the galaxy looking for the best people to make RAC agents, then turn the cream of the crop into his own private army. For what? Maybe to take back his kingdom or reinstate Dutch's family. But then I'm not seeing Khylen as the kind willing to do all that for an unrelated family just so that he can go back to being the manservant. He just doesn't strike me as that selfless. So I'm back to Khylen being the Baby Daddy.
Didn't the programmer who Khlyen murdered say that the goo was like cerebral spinal fluid? Or was that when she was looking at the neural link that Khlyen put in Dutch's neck?
Yes, I do believe I heard the "spinal fluid" comment. The neural link only attached to the base of the brain not replace anything. I believe Khylen stated the liquid "computer" uses the same goo as what is injected into the spine to make level sixes. Could be that level sixes are clogs of a different kind programmed to be one thing, super soldiers. Ones that Khylen can control. He tried that with D'Avin that didn't work. D'Avin already has super soldier programming.
It's all wild speculation but hella fun.