MovieChat Forums > Killjoys (2015) Discussion > D'avin and Dutch? To Be Or Not To Be?

D'avin and Dutch? To Be Or Not To Be?

Was so hoping that D'avin and Dutch would get together....but after "I didn't hate the kiss!"?

Wonder if they were testing the audience to see if they could take advantage of the Sweeps Week lesbian kiss scenario merely just for ratings?

...and if so, I also wonder why they didn't make Dutch bi or lesbian from the get go?

So why can't they introduce a strong gay character in a series? It worked with Torchwood! Captain Jack's orientation was know to fans from the start (sure they had a little fun with Rose over it..)! Was a great character and an awesome show! Although, I wouldn't have minded seeing less of the naked office twister!

Photography is truth. The cinema is truth twenty-four times per second. ~ Godard


I assumed that "I didn't hate that kiss" was Dutch starting to play Kendry. There is no way that Dutch is going to be attracted to someone who blew up most of the government, bombed out Old Town is trying to starve everyone to death and keeps calling her Yalla (which I can't bloddy stand!).

I'm pretty sure that they teach you how to seduce people to their own destruction if you grow up in a royal harem. She had to do something in between lessons on how to kill people! (:

So I feel that Dutch is just biding her time for an opportune moment to stab Kendry in the back.

Also, Captain Jack is one of my favourite characters ever! Second only to Captain Reynolds. (:


I definitely do not want them to toy around with the idea of Dutch and Delle Seyah Kendry.


I think Dutch and D'avin are meant to be but maybe not this season because neither are really ready for it


I hope D'avin and Dutch eventually work themselves out and get together. They are really a good couple with the potential for great story telling.


I agree 100%


No matter how much I'd prefer them NOT to be a couple, I think that in the end they will be.

Right now, I just hope that the show continues to work on bigger issue(s) than who's sleeping with who and I hope that we will get a few more seasons before they end up happily married with 2.5 kids and a white picket fence.
