MovieChat Forums > Killjoys (2015) Discussion > My hopes for season 2...

My hopes for season 2...

1. That Hills survives the bombing. I think he is a great grey character, all weary and jaded. I can relate!

2. That Alvin, Pree and Fancy all have expanded screen time. They are awesome individually and collectively! I especially love Alvin's cape! And I thought it was hilarious that they brought that up in the last episode.

3. That someone quietly shoots Delle Seyah Kendry in the head and she is heard from no more. Despite the rediculous spelling of his name, Khlyen is a far more compelling villan. The only thing I get from Kendry is smug, and smug is not interesting enough to carry a season.

4. That the spectacular music selection continues. I think that Killjoys and The Blacklist are both knocking it out of the park in that department!


I liked Hill a lot as well.

I love Pree! Definitely hoping for more of him.

I don't mind Seyah Kendry though I don't think her role needs to be expanded at all.

I hope that there's a solid search and a good reason for the return of D'avin. I hope there are consequences that aren't him spending the whole season being a sleeper agent or newly Level 6 super powered (I don't know - maybe those implants prevented assimilation? There's obviously rival military action going on outside the star system).

I'd like to see a little expansion into the size of their 'world' - what's the 'J'? They seem to zip about the moons really quickly - it'd be nice to blow that world out a little bit. They've mentioned two different militaries, what other systems are there? Where is Dutch from?

I'd also like to a little more of John's mechanical genius (or even D'avin's tactical - they each got referenced as really good at something, showed it in one episode and then it never seemed to matter again). Also, what drove John away from his home world? Why did he not hear from D'avin for eight+ years? What military was D'avin actually in? Was everything fine for nine years? Were there other missions besides that one that he snapped on?

While I'd like to see more of Dutch's mysterious training and the reasons behind it I hope it doesn't take too much time out of the present - ten episodes isn't enough =[

Actually, some of that doesn't need to happen next season - I'd be happy to wait if I were guaranteed a third ;]


What? I love Delle Kendry. She's a good villain. 

I was going to disagree with Pree, but really I like the whole cast so sure. Alvin and Fancy are great characters too.

"I could've sworn there was one more peanut butter left." -- Morgan, The Walking Dead


1. He did.

2. They did.

3. Nope, seems like she will be around for a while.

4. It still is.

You got most of it right!
