Didn't get a chance to catch this due to work and Finals but how was it? Can anyone tell me what happens at the end? Do Shredder, Krang, Bebop or Rocksteady die? Does it set up another sequel? How does it compare to the 2014 film? Thanks in advance.


When Shredder brings Krang and the Technodrome to Earth Krang instantly betrays Shredder and has Shredder frozen and put in with his "toy collection".

The portal is reprogrammed and the Technodrome is dismantled and sucked back into Dimension-X as the turtles leap away. As he's getting sucked in to the portal Krang shouts after them that he'll be back and stronger than ever. That's about as much set up for a sequel. (Probably for the best given it's box office and third outing looks extremely unlikely.)

Bebop and Rocksteady are caught under falling rubble and presumably captured by the police.

How does it compare to the 2014 movie?

Well it's a lot brighter and the emphasis on a deliberately goofy tone and obviously a lot of people seem to think it's a big improvement based on the inclusion of the 80s cartoon characters and elements but beyond that I don't think there's much improvement. In terms of narrative it's kinda worse.

The turtles do get more screen time than the previous movie. They are present from the very beginning but it's not really all that interesting. The first ten minutes up until we see the Shredder breakout scene is basically just the turtles in a series of thinly veiled commercials for the NYC tourist board, Carmello Anthony's line of basketball gear and Victoria's Secret.

In terms of action it's lot less than the previous movie. There's big action set pieces certainly but very little actual combat. The turtles never properly fight Bebop and Rocksteady in the movie just as it gets started the plane comes apart, The Foot look more like ninjas they don't do much ninja-ing, Shredder never fights anyone and does anything but stand around exposition-ing until the one moment I previously mentioned you think he'll fight Krang and he's put on ice...literally like Han Solo in the carbonite. The closest thing to an actual battle is the four turtles vs Krang and it's mainly them dodging him. If you've seen the various trailers you've seen 99% of the actual fighting in the movie.

There's some good moments but I find them fleeting. I also think the plot should have been streamlined to allow the turtles as characters to come out more. The sub plot of the turtles divided over whether to use the new mutagen to turn human is done well enough considering everyone knows how the decision will go but with more time they could presented this properly. The dramatic payoff of their decision is genuinely well done well but would have been better if more time had been used to develop the characters but it was not to be.
