Reboot TMNT film series as Ninja Turtles The Adventure Begins

Thanks to the poor Box-Office preformance of TMNT Out of the Shadows, Paramount and Viacom, The current owner of the TMNT franchise rights are considering a reboot again for TMNT and to be titled Ninja Turtles: The Adventure Begins.


Um, yeah...where exactly are you getting this from? 'cause I glanced at the board, and you seem obsessed with a phantom (future) TMNT reboot that, in your head, is titled: Ninja Turtles: The Adventure Begins

Y'know, you don't need to create multiple threads spinning the same idea. One will suffice.


We fans are through with Platinum Dunes' take on Ninja Turtles. the next TMNT film will distance itself from Platinum Dunes' TMNT and to have actors in Rubber-made Turtle Costumes like in the original Live-Action film series from 1990 to 1993 but to have Mo-cap on their faces and to be replaced with CGI turtle heads.


Why are you assuming that the next reboot will be live-action with rubber costumes??? I mean, I'd love that but it's anything but a guarantee. We might not even hear anything regarding a reboot for years & years. Rubber suits are considered archaic in this day & age, not to mention expensive & a pain in the ass to work with. Sadly, way more chance of the next reboot being a cartoon movie aimed at kids (especially with Nickelodeon still owning the rights & still having success with their animated series).


Mo-Cap CGI Turtles for the next reboot are very expensive. So they could save some money on CGI Turtle and Splinter facial expressions whose would be added to the Mo-Cap faces of the actors in a Rubber-made Animatronic Turtle and Splinter Costumes. the 2nd TMNT Live-Action movie which will be Michael Bay-less won't be happening a few years from now unless Paramount goes part ways with Platinum Dunes and to team up with Insurge and to hire Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, The Original creators of TMNT as Creative Consultants.


Perhaps another all new rebooted TMNT franchise will be completely animated in either 3D computer animation or even using Motion Capture (which could be the way to go). Just like an awful film I saw called Hop (Russell Brand as the voice of the CGI rabbit), this film had a similarly disorientating mix of live action and almost completely animated scenes that didn't gel.
