Would You Take The Mutagen?

If the mutagen was real would you risk taking it, knowing it increases your size and strength but also causes you to mutate? I'd be on the fence about it honestly, it'd be great to have enhanced size and strength, but my mutant form and how it might turn out would have me wary. The mutagen probably wouldn't quite have the same effect as Captain America's Super Soldier serum.


Yes, because what counts, is the inside.

Also with my luck, my animal forefather (wtf...) would be a dung beetle (looks cool, tho) or dung fly or dung horse.

This is just my signature and is not part of the post lol...
- Signature, Mr




I think my mutant form would probably resemble Rahzar. Why not, when I go for a week without shaving I start to resemble him as is 


Why woudl you want to be an ugly mutant. No one woudl have sex with you and everyone would fear you and want you dead and cut open.


As a mutant you'd be big and strong, and nobody would want to mess with you.


If I was bullet proof, bomb proof, and didnt need to eat then maybe.
