Did anyone else expect something to happen with Jade?

I have seen no evidence online, but I strongly believe there was an abandoned subplot for this character. For no particular reason, they chose to have this character appear in close proximity to the police chief on many occasions, she was referred to by the name of Jade, she was told not to leak information about the Turtle incident at the precinct, etc. At first I was thinking she was a mole relaying information to Karai. When April & Casey were arrested, she could have immediately told Karai, who in turn had Baxter give the evidence to the police to keep them in police custody. When none of this panned out, she was still there later in the film, with no dialogue or purpose. Did anyone feel like this character had something more important to do in the film that never came to pass?

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This is just my signature and is not part of the post lol...
- Signature, Mr


Just a pretty face in the background to occupy the teenage viewers while Laura Linney delivers her lines.
