MovieChat Forums > Big Little Lies (2017) Discussion > Hope that the big twist in the finale is...

Hope that the big twist in the finale isn't Perry being Ziggy's father.

That would suck soooooooo much and actually totally ruin what otherwise would've been my favorite series of 2017, and I say this because this show is incredibly good and pretty well crafted. And so far it still haven't had any lame twist or forced plotline or anything stupid, I see in this show superb production and amazing writing skills, just for the love of god I hope they don't fuck it up with this.
Since they showed Jane being raped and all the build up of Perry and his violent outbursts against his wife I thought right away that he could be Ziggy's father, but honestly, it just sound like a cheap plot twist, I don't know... a twist like that would fit shows like 24 or Prison Break better, but not this one lol.

Anyways, season finale must be out by now, gotta see if they fucked it up or not.


You realize the episode aired already, right?

And no, it didn't suck. In fact, I'd go as far as to say it was thoroughly satisfying.


It was the only possible way that it could have ended. It ties up all the story lines. I realized that about 5 PM today. I thought about posting my prediction that Perry would die, but I was so sure I was right that I didn't want to spoil it for my friends on this board.

What is fan-tas-tic! is that it was Bonnie--touchy-feely, New Age, peace/love, sorta socially-ostracized Bonnie!--who kiled that that tortured son of a bitch, the man who admitted to his children that he was "the monster"! What a spectacular act of compassion from Bonnie! Huzzah!

So, to speak to your post, they didn't fuck it up. They got it right. GonoManiax, I share and respect your appreciation for what I consider to be as well-executed a TV series as I've ever seen. I submit to you that this ending is far from being a cheap twist. It is the absolute locus of all the vectors of the narrative. Celebrate it!


I also sensed that the resolution of the story was going to involve either Celeste or Perry being the victim at the Trivia Night fest but I couldn't narrow down whom I most suspected would get done in. If it had been Celeste, the show would have ended on a much more somber note, whereas Perry dying went for the "happy" sort of ending, which I didn't have a major problem with, although the final scene of the kids and moms dancing in the surf and sand at the beach was pretty hard to stomach without gagging.


I literally yelled "Go, Bonnie!" at my TV. Quite observant that woman turned out to be. The moment she sensed something wrong, she went after them. My kind of lady.

I'm very happy with the finale. I liked that this group of women, who've been fighting each other this whole time, resolved their issues in the end. And then had to unite to fight this man, that has negatively affected three of them. That forged a bond that'll last (as murder cover ups tend to do lol).

I didn't have a problem with Perry being Ziggy's dad. If there was all this build up to it, it wasn't a twist, but the natural conclusion of the story. Overall, I'm very satisfied with how it ended.


"Go, Bonnie!" I like you more than ever, Mina! Are you glad that Tom connected with Jane? I sure am. I loved how Tom handled Gordon. It's like Tom and Jane suddenly became each other's reward. Great conclusion.

Not to be smug or anything ๐Ÿ˜œ, but didn't I call it on who was bullying Amabella?!


Haha, thanks R_Kane! I'm very glad that they connected, I was waiting for that since episode one. And he handled Gordon very well.

And I'm also very glad Maddie connected with her daughter and was confiding in her about her afair. Their relationship sort of moved on to a more "adult+adult" territory.

Lol at Ed's fighting skills. The most he managed was to spill a drink over Bonnie's dress, poor thing. But he did try to take up Nathan on his constant baiting for a fight.

One thing that I didn't like was that all of them seemed to be professional grade singers. Not a big gripe, though.

And you did call who the bully was. Well done! I didn't manage to connect the dots by myself :D


Bonnie was a pathetic tak-on character.


Perry dying seem so pathetically obvious, I thought it couldn't possibly be him that would die. I'm baffled anyone can find that satisfying. I didn't even consider it a twist (it's a twist??), just a cheap, contrived, and insubstantial way to end a storyline going nowhere. It ended with a really freaking stupid female empowerment moment and the pointless Bonnie character that exists to give a celeb's spawn work does the killing. What a terrible mini series.


It was an ok finale. But definitely not on par with previous episodes. It all felt way too convenient.
And I usually suck at predicting twists and turns in tv shows... But this one you could see from miles.

Anyway, fantastic show!


I agree that it was a convenient ending. I was definitely thinking there would be something else more twist-like to round out such a huge build of tension. Somehow I didn't predict Perry being the rapist only because that seemed like such a HUGE coincidence which I'm still "meh" about as far as a narrative choice.


Yeah it was lame. And way too predictable.

Violent rapey hubby turns out to be the violent rapist. Wow. What a twist! lol


Let's this clear for the Peanut Gallery: not all stories end with a freaking twist. Some stories have inevitable conclusions. I literally don't care it YOU liked it or not. I did. Happy.


Just finished watching and was going to say the same thing about twists. Thank you!


I am so thankful I didn't go online and read posts, particularly yours, before watching the whole season! I seriously don't know why you couldn't have added the spoiler option to your post to ensure those who intended to view the show could do so without having the twist revealed to them๐Ÿ™„

Anyways for me I hadn't heard much at all except for perhaps late night talk show hosts interviewing one or more of the actors who talked a bit about it. So I basically went in watching it without any real expectations at all. Tbh I found it slow to begin with, but as the plot unfolded I couldn't get enough and from the 4th episode onwards found it totally compelling. I didn't know who was going to be killed or who was going to be the killer. And truth be told when the twist came around I honestly didn't even see it coming so it blew me right away! It'd be pretty cool after thinking you're an only child for so long to learn you've got half brothers and twins to boot!๐Ÿ˜‚
