So How Good is the Show?
I've seen two episodes and, barring something really stupid happening, I'm in for the duration. I found myself talking to the TV in the second episode, because I couldn't believe how stupid and destructive the things I was seeing were. I already hate Maddy (symbolic name) Mackenzie. My guess as of now is she's the murder victim and the perp is the school traffic guy, probably abetted by half the town. That's just the main example of stupidity and destructiveness; there are MANY others. Then it hit me exactly what BLL is about: These are all people (except for Ziggy and his Mom) to whom NOBODY says "No." They all are used to having their own way, or at least they want you to think they are. However, "some pigs are more equal than others." We have an old rhyme in my city: "This is Boston, Massachusetts/The home of the bean and the cod/Where Lowells speak only to Cabots/And Cabots speak only to God." So maybe it turns out that they all die! What kind of a cšnt tries to ruin a little girl's birthday party to spite the girl's mother? One final thing, about the characters' contention that "everybody fights." That is true, but there are two ways to fight: constructively and destructively. Constructive fighting is done with respect and even love, and the goal is to RESOLVE the conflict so that all concerned parties can move on and strengthen their relationship. Destructive fighting is done to show that you're right and everybody else involved is wrong and to hurt those people. This kind of fight never ends anything (unless you kill someone) because the conflict is never actually resolved. This is the kind of fighting we're seeing in BLL. I am hopeful that David E. Kelly has written us an amazing train wreck.