Book about Chris

I think the brother wrote it; it's very good.

He's in my favorite comedy ever, Almost Heroes. I LOVE that movie. A lot of people probably never heard of it, but Chris and Matthew were so great and hilarious. The writing was fun.

The eagle scene alone, hilarious.

I will definitely watch anything about Chris.

"Guys like you don't die on toilets." Mel Gibson-Riggs, Lethal Weapon




I love him too. He is the rare comedian that can really make me laugh, for real. I liked Tommy Boy and Beverly Hills Ninja.


Oddly enough, after going to the premiere of that movie Chris Farley hated it so much and feared that people wouldn't want to see any of his movies anymore because it was so bad. So he went on the drug and alcohol fueled bender in his hotel room that led to his death.
