MovieChat Forums > Good Witch (2015) Discussion > Life Goes On ... There is hope!

Life Goes On ... There is hope!

I have throughly enjoyed the Good Witch movies and the Good Witch series ... it jury is still out ... but it's looking hopeful! ๐Ÿ˜ฝ

I was very unsure about how they were going to explain/excuse Jake's absence. As a matter of fact I did watch the entire movie marathon before the premeire. And I had already decided to be 'stubbornly disappointed' because I liked Jake's character so much and I felt that the Cassie/Jake relationship was the center of the Movies...It Is! BUT in the series it is not ... it is, as they say ... Life Going On...

Well, addressing the ๐Ÿ˜Elephant๐Ÿ˜ in the room...I knew Jake's absence could not have been by divorce because all (well most) of the family were still there. (BTW - Where's Gwen? ๎€“) So, the only logical answer was death. I was impressed with way that Jake's "presence" and "influence" was still there ... the constant but very subtle references to Jake and Dad in conversations. It was sprinkled throughout and it was always well placed, in that it did not seem contrived. I couldn't figure out how long it had been since Jake's demise (OR the cause ๎€ต) But obviously it had been long enough the dibilitating "grief" stage is over and they are in acceptance stage with sadly/pleasant memories. BUT I still want to know HOW and WHEN. Even though Grace said that everyone knew (how Jake died)...WE (the audience) don't!๐Ÿ˜ž

I like the new Brandon (Dan Jeannotte). The other actor was too 'goofy' (Matthew Knight) to have matured into a cop. I'm sorry I don't mean to be offensive or insulting to Matthew, he was a wonderful YOUNG Brandon. He played the growing up angst very well. But Dan fits the "mature" Brandon better.

BTW - When Brandon's speed trap caught ostentatious Mayor Martha ... HYSTERICAL!!!! Essentially Martha got caught in her own speed trap! Hee Hee ๐Ÿ˜‚

Martha is an enigma she is definitely a frenemy. And for the audience (at least me) a definite love/hate relationship! Her character definitely has an overinflated opinion of her own self-importance! I LOVE how Cassie "plays" her and just will not swallow her snide, infuriating, and insulting behavior...and Martha is just clueless!

OH...and a little-piddy complaint ...Re: Grace's breakfast drink: if anyone had put VALARIAN ROOT in my drink, I SURE WOULD KNOW IT!!!!! That stuff is not subtle at all! It smells like doggie do+dirty gym socks and tastes awful!!! ๎‚ซ Besides it is a calmative and why would you put it a breakfast drink anyway? ๎€“ YUK!!!

So, in conclusion ... I AM looking forward to next week!

