Worst episode writing yet!
Last Sundays show (22 May) was the worst yet. It was so full of constant philosophical jargon throughout! Watch it again and try to find a single sentence from Cassie that did not have a deep profound message behind it. Nearly every conversation between her and Mike Delphino was loaded with Buddha talk!
And what is the deal with the baby talk??? Brandon finally got that baby pusher of a wife to back off the baby crap and here we have another show between them dedicated to her getting pregnant! Maybe Cassie needs to give her some Profound words of Buddha talk and back her off, she is getting extremely nauseating with her "I want a Baby" its all about me garbage.
And please send that stupid kid off to England and off the show! The writers have no clue as to what to do with him! First he loves his Mom being there and becoming a family again then in only two scenes he wants her to get the hell out and she actually goes on his behalf?? Seriously?
And this jerk of an Anthropologist from Cassie's past gets a job at the nearby town she lives in? Then he gets a grant to leave again? They don't have a clue what to do with his character either!
This was a much better yearly movie than a series. The new writers just don't know what to do anymore they have lost their way. Another proof for that is Cassie's cousin. What happened to her smartazz snooty attitude? She was always so snide to the other characters but it was always for their own good, she was so smart that way! Now she cant seem to be able to figure out how to cut a few flowers? She has been so dumbed down with no witch in her whatsoever? What happened to her witchcraft abilities? the writers took it away.
Enuff for now