Get some magic going

I watched the TV movies when they came out, purely because they had WITCH in the title and expected to see some actual witchcraft. However, the closest seemed to be Abigail and her little dolls to symbolise the family falling apart. When I heard that there was to be a TV series and I saw the poster with Cassie and Grace holding magic, I thought we were getting back on track. But no...

Why put that kind of thing on the poster and in the title, when it is only a metaphorical 'witch' who always seems to know what advice to give or how to make people feel better? I get that it is supposed to say that kindness and love is a magic of itself or some BS like that, but why call her a witch and show her with actual magic if she isn't really one?


I was wondering about that too. It has more in common with Gilmore Girls and Everwood than it does Charmed. There's very little magic going except an exceptionally higher sense of intuition and a little precognitive ability.


What do you expect from a channel that reruns episodes of Matlock, Murder She Wrote, and Golden Girls.


So... if there was no real magic in the TV movies, why do you think all of a sudden the TV series would have real magic?

but why call her a witch and show her with actual magic if she isn't really one?

Because in the first movie she was accused of being a witch. So the name stuck to the series.


Well, so much was changing for the TV series, I thought they might try and make it a bit more supernatural. The posters for the original films pretty unmagical and standard tv movie fare, with just Cassie smiling. The poster for the first movie had her holding a broom, but that's the extent of the magic. The TV poster had actual magic and gave the impression that this was a supernatural show with witches.

I know she was accused of being a witch in the first movie, but it was really misleading to stick with that as the title for the series.

"You better call my agent" "You don't have an agent..." "Then call my cable man!" - Bewitched (2005)


This is the problem with people not watching the movies first.

Cassie's power is intuition about people, and knowing exactly how to help them.

The series continues from where the movies left off and is more or less the same.


I know all of this! I know that Cassie is all about intuition and helping people but I really hoped for a real witch. The series didn't pick up after the movies. Jake is dead, Grace has grown from a small child to a teenager in a few years.

"You better call my agent" "You don't have an agent..." "Then call my cable man!" - Bewitched (2005)


Point taken.
