More Sharknado titles

Sharknado 4 :Starkist revenge!
SharkNado 4 :Jaws of the Orca
Sharknado 4 :Shark in the Wind

And now three for Sharknado 5:

Sharknado 5 :Lake Placid Attack
Sharknado 5 :The Day the Sharks Weren't Standing Still
SharkNado 5 :Screw it! Were Outta Here!

Let's keep it going and have a little fun with possible titles to more Sharknado movies.

"I leave Symbols to the Symbol minded" George Carlin


Sharknado 4: Is April really dead?

Sharknado 5: April Returns. Tara's Revenge.

Sharknado 6: The Joke's Wearing Thin.

Sharknado 7: Because *beep* You, That's Why.


Said this on another thread:

Given the puns you could have....

Sharknado 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer.

Get it? Fantastic 4 = Sharknado 4?

Silver SURFER?


Sharknado 10 "see if you can do better"


Sharknado 5 :Lake Placid Attack

This would tie in nicely with the plans for the next Lake Placid movie: Crocacondanado

"Say yes with your voice, not just your eyes"


Sharknado 4: And This Time...Its Personal

(ode to Jaws 4)


Betty White HAS to join the cast of Lake Placid Attack!!!!


SharkNado 4 :Jumped the Shark!


Sharknado 5: What the Literal Fück.
