Penis but no vagina
Why is it okay to show penis but not a vagina? Why is the female streaker's frontal nudity covered?
This happens in comedies especially over and over again.
Why is it okay to show penis but not a vagina? Why is the female streaker's frontal nudity covered?
This happens in comedies especially over and over again.
Eh, we live in a society where it has traditionally been socially acceptable for men to go topless, but women not. Therefore when we see a female streaker going 'topless' it is shocking.
Not so shocking for a male, because we see topless males all the time. In order to illicit the same level of 'shock' factor we have to show a man's penis.
I think that's why i admired the "bottomless party "scene in "HAROLD AND KUMAR ESCAPE GUANTANAMO BAY", because filmmakers seem so hesitant to represent the vag in that way, know what i mean?
I think for a lot of the more conservative folks in society the vagina is still rather taboo. Silly.
"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
Wow, I always have to laugh when people talk about female nudity and reference the vagina. The vagina is internal, you can't just see it by viewing the front of a naked woman. So you can't compare seeing a man's genitals, which are all external, to a woman's vagina. Unless its porn, you will never really see a woman's vagina on tv or in a movie because to see it would be invasive.
You will see external parts, though. Now everybody google "female genitalia" and you will be able to properly identify what you are seeing...
Pssst... It's possible they already knew that... it's just easier to say "vagina" than "external female genitalia." Vagina seems to be the agreed upon term for such things, regardless of its inaccuracy when talking about EFG.
Pro tip: It's easier, less time-consuming and probably safer to assume people are just as smart or smarter than you. Personally, I like to imagine that the person I'm replying to is a psychopathic muscle-builder with a quick temper and a tendency to hold grudges. That tends to make me seem like less of an ass. You should give it a try!
How is it easier to say vagina than genitals? Just swap the words. Done. And bonus, they person sounds more intelligent.
As far as "agreed upon", perhaps by men. No woman would refer to her external genitals as her vagina. So that's at least 50% of the population that would not. They aren't even close to being the same part.
If woman started asking "why don't they show men's seminal vesicles or urethras" I'm sure men would find it just as odd.
No woman would refer to her external genitals as her vagina.
Jesus, you uppity, overbearing, boring hairy dyke. Are you trying to sound clever? You just sound like a hairy feminist!
How can you speak for all women?
Most women i know call it a vagina or other words that mean the same thing like snatch, minge, cnt or twt etc. You hear women on tv all the time saying vagina when talking about her split and talking about vajazzle. Why is it called vajazzle? It's because it partly sounds like vagina but they aren't sticking the sparkly things inside them are they?
Funny thing is that your slang words are mostly euphemisms for genitals, not vaginas. So that just proves my point.
shareNo, you spectacularly missed michaelthorn's point. When doing your best to appear smarter than everybody else (which you aren't), it is well advised to ensure that you understand exactly what your fellow debater is communicating to you.
So, you say, the word 'vagina' can just be swapped with 'genitals' (your 7 Aug post). Easy peasy, right? Alrighty then. The heading of this thread would thus read:
Penis but no genitals
Do you now begin to see the problem with your whole "everybody using the v-word is just sooooo clueless" argument? If not, then thankfully that is not my problem! But thanks for the totally unnecessary biology lesson anyway.
Please click on 'reply' at the post you're responding to. Thanks.share
a lot of people don't understand that full frontal nudity is acceptable in an "R" rating and HBO has done it before plenty of times; "the sopranos" and "boardwalk empire" had no problem with it.
this IS, however, about tennis. i haven't watched it yet but um, tennis isn't exactly a very masculine game and if this is a comedy about extreme tennis players i can imagine it was done to make fun of men who play the game and disrespect their genitalia while protecting women because it's not "manly"?
Well the reverse is true forGame of thrones....maybe the actress didn't want to show her vagina.
shareAre you kidding? By far the reverse is true. Female nudity is constant in movies but you rarely see male nudity because (yes, I've heard this many times from guys) "showing the penis is too personal." (Tell that to all the creepers who insist on texting pictures of their junk to near-strangers.) Watch Game of Thrones for many, MANY examples of this.
shareNah. The nudity we are talking about is the genitals. It is barely ever shown, and if it is it is covered with fake hair. If we talking about "exposed chests" then the males are far more common, as others have said it is acceptable and barely considered nudity to some people.
The most common forms of nudity would be:
Bare chests for men > Exposed breasts for women > Exposed genitals for men > Exposed genitals for women
Suppose it was not covered. Then you'd see some kind of a bush. Vagina is seen only in porno.