MovieChat Forums > Space Cop (2016) Discussion > Worth it for this RLM fan

Worth it for this RLM fan

This is the long awaited feature film by RLM after their release of Feeding Frenzy in 2010.
Watching Space Cop was a lot of fun for me.

RLM had shown a glimpse of what they could do in sci-fi with The Great Space Jam short (available on their website).
Space Cop uses some of these ideas only in a much bigger production with bits by professional actors and lots of cheesy special effects.
- The best part about the movie is Rich Evans playing a Clint Eastwood/Bruce Willis type of character. In all the RLM films this is Rich's best role imo.
Mike shows up and along with Rich they make a good team in the Best of the Worst tradition of Samurai Cop.

If I have any quibbles about Space Cop it is that because its quality often rises above the level of so bad it's good, it sometimes struggles with keeping this higher level of comedy.
There are lots of moments when SC works as a good spoof especially in the beginning.
But the middle drags somewhat where the comedy takes a back seat to moving the plot along.
Still there are very funny moments at the end which make watching worth it.

The 'hack frauds' delivered and I'm looking forward to their next film.

BB ;-)

it is just in my opinion - imo - 🌈


yaa i really couldnt understand the haters on here saying "oh you are all just making excuses saying "they did it on purpose"

yaa they did do it on purpose . how was that not blatantly obvious. Mike especially knows about filmmaking....

its literally a homage/tribute/ using elements of all those B 80's and 90's movies they review in "best of the worst". combined with other tropes and generic action film. the black angry police chief. the opposite personality cops. one the do it by the books, one the Clint Eastwood trigger happy shoot first. i could make a list of about 30 things...

yaaa they could of made a drama or straight comedy that looked like it had high production value.. instead they went for what they love. a mix and max of action, buddy cop, sci fi and comedy..

there was only one N0-medy part.. for me that was the overlong video conference where he could not turn it off.

other than that who cares it was 25 bucks for a blu-ray.

they have over 100 (probably closer to 150) 1 hour long videos on youtube.........

they have created, edited and for free put over 100 hours of content for us to watch. and people have the audacity to claim 25 for the blu ray was a ripoff. those sets werent free. the editing and graphics wasnt free. they probably all have jobs

and people have the audacity to say crap like "ohhh they gave up decent jobs to be pathetic alchoholic failures"

imdb really brings out the scum


by Mish7;

"they have created, edited and for free put over 100 hours of content for us to watch. and people have the audacity to claim 25 for the blu ray was a ripoff."

This. All the free videos RLM has provided and 5 years after Feeding Frenzy they gave their fans a chance to pay for a new feature, Space Cop.
I had no problem with that. Mike has said that he doesn't have a side job so he can focus on RLM.
Space Cop profits will pay needed bills and allow RLM to give us lots more fun content.

"those sets werent free"

Yes. I think Mike said that when they built some sets that it cost over $100,000.

"its literally a homage/tribute/ using elements of all those B 80's and 90's movies they review in "best of the worst". combined with other tropes and generic action film. the black angry police chief. the opposite personality cops."

Absolutely. The shaky flying space ships, the Samurai cop quotes, the cheesy / Ed Wood level miniatures were all done on purpose.
Part of the fun for me was seeing all the references to other movies and cheesy styles in SC.

BB ;-)

it is just in my opinion - imo - 🌈



by BitterJim;

"Umm....Where? Where did Mike ever say this? cost 100,000 to make some sets..."

In one of the videos on the RLM website which shows set construction.

"It doesnt cost a dime to white balance a camera. It doesnt cost a dime to write some decent jokes or a story. Perhaps if you read the actual criticisms you'd have known this, stupid."

Does Plan 9 From Outer Space have technical flaws? Or Samurai Cop? Yes.
Are they cult classics? Yes.
- The basis of a campy / cheesy film is not pristine technical aspects.

BB ;-)

it is just in my opinion - imo - 🌈


Talk about the "everyone gets a trophy" sense of entitlement. They made so many free videos for you, so you need to suck them off!

Nope i just respect anyone who puts out lots of content, FOR FREE, for my enjoyement. then when they demand 25$, for a product that took lots of time and effort, i dont complain because as i said, i got over 100 hours of free content. now i have to pay 25$ :( boo hoo. Mike is so greedy (sarcasm) They made videos for a website that allows everyone to make videos, for fun. But, you can also make money off those videos if they are well done or interesting. So they did, and they made thousands and thousands of dollars off their youtube videos.

The Best of the worst are a collaborative effort for instance.. it takes lots of people, lots of time to prepare and create them. the best of the worst is normally minimum 4 people, watching 3 1 hour n 1/2 videos.. then a 1 hour discussion. then the editing to putting it together.. each Best of the worst, and there are around 35 of them, take at least TWENTY MAN HOURS to watch, discuss and produce... RLM and mike and the gang are hardly getting insanely wealthy off their videos.

Now they set up Ewelfare and collect 12k a month in patreon bucks. And they have a twitch stream that takes donations. And they made some crappy movies and sell them.

congrats on know nothing, but type like you know everything they do...

"I think Mike said that when they built some sets that it cost over $100,000."
Umm....Where? Where did Mike ever say this? cost 100,000 to make some sets...but they needed to sell pictures to raise money for Space Cop? Really?

it cost money for sets, camera's, lighting, editing and post production, permits, having the blue ray produced.


Not a single one of their sets would cost over 1000 bucks at most, and even thats pushing it. Most of their sets are cardboard and painted drywall.

100k, HAHAHA!! You are either stupid or delusional!

it still takes dozens and dozens of man hours to make them. like the cryogenic scene......

Also, you do realize the crappy special effects and sets werent the problems people were criticizing, right? It was the bad cinematography, sound, white balance, acting, storyline, jokes...all the stuff that people expected RLM to know how to do, and are free.

No one read your poor excuse for a criticism. it was literally an essay..dumb people take paragraphs and paragraphs to write what could be said in afew sentences....

It doesnt cost a dime to white balance a camera. It doesnt cost a dime to write some decent jokes or a story. Perhaps if you read the actual criticisms you'd have known this, stupid.

No you are totally write.. man hours and time dont cost a dime.... thats why no job bases pay off hours..... nopeee time if one of the most worthless comodities and measures of work


how dumb are you..... im half convinced you are a troll... no one is actually this dumb in real life.......
