Compare this to Garth merenghis darkplace...
..And you can see the difference.
Firstly Im a massive RLM fan. Have seen everything theyve ever made and love their humor and how they dont pander excessively like most other youtube channels.
That said, I just saw this, and wasn't impressed. Not with anything technical, I didnt mind the fx, sets, etc. But I couldnt shake the feeling that they were pandering to me with this..or that they just didnt care about it at all.
Compare it to Garth merenghis darkplace (all episodes are on YT, check it out). Its essentially the same thing. Something made recently but made to look like a cheap B-movie esque show from the 70s, combined with horrendously bad(but funny) editing, fx and delivery.
However the thing that darkplace nailed that SC missed was the attempt to make it seem like they really cared about what they were doing. Even though it had (intentionally) awful fx, sound, acting, script etc it really felt like it had heart, which was the whole point of the show. it really captured that spirit of "so bad its good" B-movie features.
unfortunately I didnt get that feeling at all with SC. I really think they dropped the ball, and instead of focusing on intentionally bad dialogue and scenes, they shouldve attempted to play everything straight and take itself seriously, and instead turn it into a B-movie schlock feature with intentionally bad technical aspects. something that, once again, darkplace hits out of the park.
I know movies on a shoestring budget are obviously exhausting and a challenge, and I applaud the effort, but I was really hoping this wouldve taken itself more seriously and not seemed like a constant inside joke.
as rich said, better luck next time?