Trailer has arrived!

Head over to YouTube for the trailer for Baby Driver. Looks great and I'm glad to see Edgar still in the Hollywood game with big names in his movie.


This looks good! Edgar Wright is one of the best directors in the industry today, truly one of a kind.


I was worried after Ant Man that he would be rejected from the list of approved directors for movies. Glad to see that is not the case and this film looks like it has strong visuals, excellent soundtrack and the usual comical characters Edgar always delivers on.


I was just looking to see if there was a trailer for Baby Driver a few days ago. Yay! I love Edgar Wright and I'm glad he has a new film heading to the cinemas. And I love the title (even if it sounds like a sequel to Baby's Day Out :D)


Edgar Wright is kind of hit or miss for me, but this looks good.

Also, Scott Pilgrim is one of the best movies ever made. It's a real shame it didn't do more for Wright's career.


Looks fun.
