The lack of technology?

Am I the only one having a hard time buying how underdeveloped this world is technology wise compared to ours? From my understanding "Into the Badlands" is supposed to take palace in an post-apocalyptic society; In a interview I read one of the writers of this series said " I was joking that the AMC cinematic universe is after the zombie apocalypse by hundreds and hundreds of years." Even in world like that I have hard time seeing humanity not being able to build a more technological advanced society than this, especially sense they seem to know how electricity work, how refine oil into gasoline, know how to do x-rays, how cars with combustion engines work, but apparently they cant make simple electrical tools or make an electrical grid etc?


That as well as no gun use by anyone? ... No zip guns or compressed air type guns?
Hope they answer this season how the world got so fucked up, and the bizarre nitpicking of certain tech.


Yeah it makes no sense.

They also know how to refine oil... without any power source really. They do it by hand I guess? lol


not sure if its alternative world where theres no guns at all or something happened that cause them not to even know the existence of any form of firearms and other similar weaponary.


As long as they don't add an overpriced, shitty iPhone to the show, they'll be just fine.


I have no problem with the technology level. you might know how a car works but you couldnt make one.
the x ray is just a leftover
