Count down Calendar

My mom got a nice wooden Christmas calendar with little wooden doors where you can a decent sized morsel in it for each day. Well I've been playing around with my kid with the stupid Elf on shelf thing (the other one is an Anna Lee elf... but not important) Any way we've been corresponding through the elvesbof course he thinks THEY are... well I wrote "a scary night is coming" (with Dec 5 coming up Monday) on a note and by weird coincidence the 2 bulbs in his light fixture went out that morning! (Yesterday) he was really freaking out a bit. Well during the day I changed the note to something about being positive and keeping the Christmas spirit. He's been acting like Dennis the Menace lately with the holiday and school vacation around the corner... so he alao thinks the elves put a little Krampus picture in his calendar!!!! I found old Krampus poatcards online... printed one out as small as I could and sort of glued onto the back of the wooden door! It's so cool! I think hr knows I'm doing it... but I won't give him a straight answer. It's been fun. And the next note once Dec 6th comes around will be... "Whew! He passed us over! We're safe!" Or something like that.
