And after they were each comforting each other that Beth was in a 'safer place' did Max come down and remind them...she'd been gone more than an hour.
He actually mentions that it's dark now, not about the hour that's passed by. But it's a weird scene anyway. Two seconds before that they say she's been gone too long (so they know how much time has passed), while they are sitting in front of the window where they can see how dark it is. Then when Max tells them it's dark and Beth isn't home yet, they look really surprised. Good movie, but this scene was poorly written.
And the storm was decent, but nothing to get really worried about (could be because I'm Canadian though). I probably wouldn't let me 16-17 year old daughter walk through it, but I'd drive her over (this was before the roads were impassable).
There are maybe five beings I hope I never have to fight and J'onn Jonzz is one of them. - Superman