MovieChat Forums > Z Nation (2014) Discussion > Who Will Get Killed Off In Season 3?

Who Will Get Killed Off In Season 3?

Considering the fact we've lost at least 1,(2 if you count Hammond), major characters in the first 2 seasons of the show, who do you think bites the dust this season?

My 2 picks are going to be Addie,(expendable now that they have another female character in the Chinese Woman, assuming she doesn't get killed as well), and No.2 would be 10K, seeing as he's part of Murphy's blend army.

Your picks?


I hope they kill the Asian women for an "army general" she's a pussy totally gets taken hostage by the mailman and has a cry fest in the middle of a battle with zombies


Since Mack's death, Addy has been getting a fair bit of attention, I see the main 3 stars of the show as Murphy, Warren and Addy, I don't see any of them being killed off too soon. The Chinese chick could definitely die off. Or El Scorpion.

If one of the core 5(Murphy, 10K, Warren, Addy and Doc) is going to be killed off this season, my best bet would be on Doc.

But that's a big "if", because I don't really think they have to kill any of the main group off for the show to still be entertaining and gripping.


I thought 10K would be safe cause he's fan favorite, but now that Murphy has bit him, I'm not so sure. They can't kill Murphy off, w/o him it reverts to regular z show, and no one wants that, but having excess characters be just puppets for Murphy doesn't work either.

Anyone who has ever read any spoilers,
knows that Winter Is Coming


10K, because that's the only way he could be free again. Then Doc. Warren and Addy are safe
