Season 3 Episode 1

Maybe I missed something? Is anyone else confused as to what is going on?


I feel like I missed an entire season. I came here to see if I did. I guess not, but it does nothing to quell my confusion.


Doc stated at the very beginning that this was a special flashback movie event. It's probably seeing it up for characters in later episodes.


It's odd to start off with a two hour flashback. Definitely confusing.


No, Nothing odd about starting a season with expositional backstory to set up the antagonists of the season.

What you meant to say is " This definitely confused me." The property of"confuse" is tied to your lack of understanding, not an inherent trait of the episode. Your statement seems to imply that your experience is a universal experience, which it is not.
It did not confuse me, and it seemed pretty straight forward. I would wager that most people did not become confused watching this episode.


Pseudo intellectual douche bag!

If you were half as clever as you're attempting to look, you would realise two things.

Firstly what you said didn't NEED to be said, especially in such a negative way and secondly your statement was humorously hypocritical.

Now if you're really clever, you'll notice I carefully constructed my argument specifically with the intention of doing the exact same thing, to you!!!

Hopefully that pleases both parties while entertaining the bystanders and myself at the same time!



Ohhh ok. Guess I missed the part about the flashback. Thank you so much!


They had to introduce Negan I mean "The Man".


The Man is not the boss, therefore, he's not a Negan. He's more like a henchman.


i was a little annoyed that they didn't pick right up from season 3's final scene (since it's a cliffhanger) but i did very much enjoy tonight's flashback scene/ep. it was great and sad (since we know she's gone) seeing Cassandra again.

but yeah, the writers needed a way to have these new villains actually have been a part of the show since season 2 and this first ep tonight does that.


I don't mind the cliffhanger hanging for another week. I find it preferable to finding out all this backstory a snip at a time in flashbacks spread over half a dozen episodes. Other than that I agree with all your points.
Very well done megasode. It was clear, it had pathos, it introduced a new zombie "cure" and a new villain/villain group for the coming season and clearly set these things up for us. It was great seeing Cassandra and the "poop factory" again. I do have to admit I'm sad that neither Red nor 5K made it. I was hoping to see them again.



"I don't mind the cliffhanger hanging for another week. I find it preferable to finding out all this backstory a snip at a time in flashbacks spread over half a dozen episodes."

that's an excellent point. i agree 100%. i couldn't stand LOST and ARROW, etc. because of the ever intrusive flashbacks ever other minute. i'm glad last night's premiere had the flashback in one ep.


I don't remember them showing Red die. I mean know it was obvious that it was a no win situation but you know the rules of television, if you don't see someone die you can't count them out.


Yeah see, it was a flashback to season 3, when the Governor went to the prison to threaten them and released zombies from a truck to use as a weapon. You remember that don't you DixonGrimes?

Kiwi's Big Adventure


kiwithegirl, i notice you aren't mentioning or defending FTWD. :)


Hmmm yeah, that's a whole other board lol. There's really no excuse for FTWD stealing from TWD.

Kiwi's Big Adventure


Hmmm yeah, that's a whole other board lol. There's really no excuse for FTWD stealing from TWD.

Kiwi's Big Adventure


It's a flashback. Most likely it takes place inbetween episodes 202 and 206.

And it's to introcue us to Zona.

X ~We are the people our parents warned us about


Well l am confused also.. I am pretty sure Cassandra was in *really dead) under the ground buried and murphy was upset over losing her..and the baby was with other people..

now..low and behold Cassandra is alive *well as close to alive as you can get) and the baby is back with daddy Murphy????

did the writers think we would all forget Cassandra died for real and where did they get time to get the baby back??

no mention to any of the above...

very confusing...

(shrugs shoulders)


Yeah, I somehow missed Doc's "hey this is a flashback and ****" intro when I watched it, and it was very confusing. Wait, didn't 10k kill her for good last year? Why does the Murphy have the baby back (baby back baby back baby back)? Where's the DEA guy? What happened with all that stuff at the end of last season?

Then when I watched my Dark Matter recording, at the end when ZN was starting again I saw the Doc thing.

Really bizarre way to start a season, brah.

You have many question, Mr Sparkle. I send you premium -- answer question, hundred percent!


Takes place between Season 2 Episode 5 and Season 2 Episode 6.


What really make no sense in this episode for me is. Spoiler ahead! During the initial attack of the town, they release zeds. Why do they decide to kill them?
They have a bloody necromancer in their arsenal.
THey should have been - Hey awesome, now back you go.


It is truly shocking to me how many people are so confused over this episode...

Thank you mr_fuzzer, I was thinking the exact same thing! I thought for sure when the 'Kraken' got back up Spartacus would turn and say, "Go get Murphy". I'm sure the writers could of figured out another curve ball to keep "The Man" in play after that.

This being said, I have to admit that was a fantastic episode, movie, whatever you want to call it. It was good, classic Z Nation fun and the reason most of us enjoy this show to begin with.

