Murphy's skin

I have a theory on why Murphy's skin is losing it's blue hue. Maybe it's because when he bites people to control them, he's sort of spreading himself thin amongst all those people. As his "zombie-ness" goes into other people, he loses another little piece of it.

The other possibility I was thinking of is maybe it has something to do with him eating brains. Maybe as he eats the brains he ingests a little more humanity into him. Does anyone remember if his skin started turning white before or after he started eating the brains?

Apologies if they've already explained this. Sometimes I don't pay as close attention to this show as I might.


From what I can remember, he started turning white after Dr. Merch started taking his blood to make the vaccine


After. I don't understand the blond hair though. If he's turned really white and losing his blue then why wouldn't his hair also be white, or am I reading too much into this show?

***Ignorance isn't bliss. Ignorance is laziness. So stop being so lazy!***


From what I can remember, he started turning white after Dr. Merch started taking his blood to make the vaccine

That would go along with the idea that his "Z-ness" is slowly being drained out of him.

After. I don't understand the blond hair though. If he's turned really white and losing his blue then why wouldn't his hair also be white, or am I reading too much into this show?

I would think his hair would revert to its natural color. IIRC it was dark brown. Not sure where the blonde comes from, unless they're trying to make some sort of weird political statement about Trump lol.


Murphy ate Dr Merch's brain and has been using it to experiment on himself to find a cure. As he eats more brains and uses more serums, its affecting his coloration. The return to natural skin color means he's getting closer. More than likely, this combined with the brain eating is turning the hair white. It's kinda an homage to iZombie as well, it seems. They are always one to offer nods to various shows.

"Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, outside of soccer."


It's because he is taking the booster shots from Dr. Merch. (Keith has allready confirmed this.) He becomes more human and less dead, so his skin gets better.

X ~We are the people our parents warned us about


^ This. I'm surprised this is even being questioned. It's been made fairly obvious what is causing the change in his skin tone and eye color. How many people actually pay attention when they watch? 
