MovieChat Forums > Z Nation (2014) Discussion > Is anyone else bothered by this?

Is anyone else bothered by this?

It's 3 years into the zombie apocalypse and one of the female characters is still sporting a dark red hair dye job and perfectly manicured eyebrows. There's the Hispanic guy in a nice black suit with a perfectly shaped goatee and shiny black shoes, and one of the early episodes in season 2 shows a black SUV full of bad guys in skull masks. Nothing about wardrobe or makeup (except the ever morphing Murphy) says post apocalyptic life and it's a constant distraction that's annoyingly comedic. I'm all for suspension of disbelief (the very act of watching this show requires complete abandon of it in fact),but this is one of the biggest plot holes in my opinion.


Nope. Then I'd have to say something about a guy who falls into a pit of Z's and comes out without a scratch, or people so close to a nuclear detonation being able to out run it, or why the Blasters aren't radio active, or how everyone manages to keep their teeth so white, or... this is one of those shows you just sit back and enjoy the crazy. :-)


You are way over thinking this show. If you want realism, Daryl Dixon from TWD universe hasn't showered since season 3. I think TWD does a pretty good job of realism, even if the writing has been subpar the last few seasons.

"I saw it move too!"-Mo Rutherford


I can't help it, I'm a wardrobe stylist?


And just how do you know Daryl hasn't showered?? Peeking, are we?! :0

No matter where you go..."


Yeah more realistic design there.

my vote history:


Or where do they come up with the endless supply of bullets by the next show? I don't care, it's is a fun show.


Did you ever see Lost. Same issue, people stuck on an island with never ending make-up artists on standby, nice grromed facial hair etc.

But then again... When you see Hammond and Murphy for the first time at Camp Blue Sky, they are both scruffy looking... and Murphy looks like hell. Addy, Mack, Doc, Warren and Garnett have all been living in a safe place, where they can burn candles and sing songs. It's not to farfetched to think that you would colour your hair if you find the products, just to keep some feeling of normality.
Samt goes with Escorpion. The Zeros live in a pretty safe place. So it takes less effort for them to maintain their clothes, and it also shows confidence and authority, the fact that you can do something so trivial as care about your looks in an apocalypse sends a message that you have the skills to survive. So much that you can waste time shining your shoes.

X ~We are the people our parents warned us about


I noticed that, but then everyone has perfect eyebrows on TWD, too. I do hate that super fake maroon hair color she sports. So ugly. I do like how they have a very diverse cast of characters. I quite like the show.


What about Warren with her weave and her perm. As a black woman u can tell you we have to do are hair regularly (every 4-6wks) to keep it looking presentable unless it's natural like Sasha's on twd.


My mom has wavy silky hair, the actress IMO looks to naturally have a silky texture of hair. Not every black woman needs a weave for silky tresses. The off putting part about her hair is the straight texture.


The Zeros being all well groomed and sporting costumes didn't bother me at all. They were portrayed as having enough control of their surroundings that small amenities weren't a problem.

As for grooming. Each episode covers days in an hour. They don't have jobs to get to. Free crap lying around everywhere. You think they don't have time to groom a little?

Same goes for Lost. All they had was time. Lost's biggest mistake wasn't a well-kept beard. It was time travel - hastily introduced gods with no direction - inexplicably violent "good guys"- Taking Gilligan's Island to 11 by having entire communities not introduced until years in on the same island, then killing them all in one episode - and I could go on for a long time.


The producers did press conferences promising that Lost! would have a logical explanation and have rational plots. Coming away from that, I had the distinct impression that Abrams was a sociopath just out to *beep* with the audience and swore never to watch another thing from him.
My friend dragged me to the Star Trek movie where they had Spock sexing up Uhura and destroyed Vulcan and knew Abrams had struck again. What a dick.

How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.


Yes! Abrams and time travel DO NOT MIX! I was halfway scared, and still wary he'll put time travel in Star Wars.


I was talking to my sister about the hair color. I think you find any hairy women, because you'll have a hard time getting an actress who is plucked and waxed to sprout a hair. lol Where an actor regularly shaves. Easier for them to look ragged.


About the color lol we joked that she must stop and dye it along the way. In a stream or standing water -- you know, between the killings.
