TWD VS. Z Nation

Well... I love 'em both! -I'm in this for the long haul. I love, "The Walking Dead" for it's drama & for their characters tenacity & love toward one another. I enjoy, "Z-Nation" for it's humor. It's inane fun! The POV shots from the bullets perspective are so cool. I love the way they describe the weapons they used (As opposed to TWD.) I also admire Z-nation for bringing the concept of, "Mercy" into their scripts! Mindless fun? Yeah, sometimes it does feel like a bullet to the brain! But, oh! What fun!

TWD Vs. Z-Nation which one is the best to you?

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I like them both, but in different ways

TWD - I love how intense it gets along the way and the story that happens in each season.

Z Nation - I like how it's similar to TWD, but I also like how they blend a little humour into the episodes as well & how they added something that they was never was before and that was Lucy & Murphy being half human, half Zombie


I much prefer Z Nation. It doesn't take itself too seriously and doesn't get bogged down by a bunch of sappy melodrama. The heroes aren't as incompetent in Z like they are in TWD. How many bad decisions by Rick that lead to deaths ar them being in danger are they going to put up with. Plus he's a whiny bitch. LT Warren is a much better leader.

The spider spinning his web for the unwary fly. The blood is the life, Mr. Renfield.


Despite its camp, I think Z Nation is better. Its storylines are far more original, have comedic elements, and the majority of the characters encountered actually seem to know how to deal with zombies. How is it over a year into a zombie apocalypse that TWD still has people who still act like idiots when in the midst of zombies. Even people not "isolated" in Alexandria, in "Rick's group," act like idiots when in the middle of a zombie-infested area. And this show's supposed to be the "serious drama." I like TWD, but think Z Nation has an edge for writing and characters. Roberta Warren would run rings around TWD characters.


I love The Walking Dead for its storylines. I love that it's more than just killing zombies. Z Nation, I like for the humor. I am also a fan of iZombie, because it's pretty fun.


The Walking Dead has bored me so bad that I no longer watch it and I still watch Z nation. Z nation is more entertaining. So I'll take it, bad acting and (that is getting better) and all.


ZN puts TWD to shame in just about any way one wants to stack them.

"The Dig"
