Lack of marketing

It's going to kill this film just like it killed TUSK. I love Kevin Smith and I LOVED TUSK. I am really excited for this but if its being released next month I think we should at least have a poster and a trailer. He's kind of a hipster nowadays with the way he is handling his filmmaking..Oh well, hopefully we'll see something soon!


It must have been pushed back, even Tusk's promo had begun by this point.


Yep, so true
There is never any kind of marketing out into recent Kevin Smith movies.
But this has a lot to do with the kind of films he's doing now. They are less commercial.
But personally I'm loving that he's doing movies like Tusk and Red State. I wish he did more like these. Movies that are different and weird but with good actors.
Last commercial movie he made was Cop Out and that was horrible. It's just not in his comfort zone.


not even a single trailer weird. I have big doubts this will release this year.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Lack of marketing? The film hasn't even had it's festival run yet! MORONS!
