MovieChat Forums > Yoga Hosers (2016) Discussion > Ok, all I can say about this film so far...

Ok, all I can say about this film so far is.....

...Johnny Depp's daughter is quite attractive.

Other than that, the film looks fvcking ridiculous. I liked Tusk, but this one just looks a bit too far gone, I'm sure I'll get a laugh or 2 from it, but little sausage men? Really? Wtf? Lay off the crack, Kevin Smith.


Other than the 2 lead actresses being hot AF I agree there is no reason to see this.
But since Harley and Depp's daughter are so fine I just may check this out.

Have you ever noticed that the people who say "DC is for adults and Marvel is for kids", are kids?


Harley....fine? How's the Ray-Bans, Mr. Wonder? LOL

The turntable IS NOT a musical instrument.


I actually Googled Ray Bans Mr Wonderful to figure out the reference.
.....I still got nothin.

Have you ever noticed that the people who say "DC is for adults and Marvel is for kids", are kids?


Because I said Mr. Wonder....not WonderFUL.

reply it. Stevie Wonder.
See this is what I get for reading and replying at 11:00pm right before bed.

Yeah Im sticking with Harley Smith is very attractive. Hot body. Sexy nose. ;)
Like her more than Depp's kid.

Have you ever noticed that the people who say "DC is for adults and Marvel is for kids", are kids?
