MovieChat Forums > Yoga Hosers (2016) Discussion > Depp's troubles are going to sink this m...

Depp's troubles are going to sink this movie

They can't have him do any promotion for it now and basically have to pretend like they don't know him. It might do good on DVD/Comedy Central if it's any good but I think it's going to be in and out of theaters.

^Signature is below here
Americans have the right to burn the flag. 🔥🇺🇸🔥


This movie doesn't need any help sinking itself. Did you see the trailer? Hardly any Johnny Depp in it and it looks awful.


Depp's troubles are going to sink this movie
Anybody that follows celeb gossip and crap so closely that it effects what they will watch doesn't belong in an organized society and is almost certainly barely smart enough to feed themselves.

No wonder the Kardashians made millions..

He is getting divorced, he wasn't caught in a secret baby eating cult.

The movie looks awful, that will sink it, not low intelligence losers refusing to see it because of what they read on gossip blogs.


What he/she said^


It wasn't gonna break the bank anyway, Depp's personal stuff will have zero effect on it's performance.

It's made for a very niche audience, namely people who are into 80s and 90s schlock horror-comedies and people who follow Kevin Smith's podcasts.

It's really self aware and doesn't try to be anything more than what it is.

"Ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"


This movie was never going to make any money.
