Oh Kevin.....

I LOVE Kevin Smith and just about everything he does, but this movie was just embarrassing. I kept waiting for something, ANYTHING, redeeming about it, but it never came. I mean, not even the inclusion of Johnny Depp, arguably one of this generation's greatest actors, could save this.

And not to be mean, but I hope their daughters don't hope to skate by on nepotism alone. If they want to make it as actors, they need to get into some acting classes. Now. It was cringe-worthy all throughout the movie.


I know what you mean. I've been a Smith fan for yeeears. Tusk was one of my fave movies of 2014. But this film is undefendable and his worst by a landslide. Even with Cop Out, that was a one-off where he was a studio shill. But Yoga Hosers is 110% on him. It think it's hilarious but it's grating, obnoxious, smug and self-satisfied. Fans have told Smith how they feel (some more blunt than others) but he's entered this self-delusion phase where he can spin any sort of criticism into a positive, no matter what. That's his perogative - but he's not learning anything. And it's now showing in his work.
All I'll say is, after Yoga Hosers, Moose Jaws just got a lot less enticing.
