The best Charles Band movie never made...
Maybe it's just me, but after watching it and spending some time thinking about it... This seems less like a Kevin Smith film and more like one of those fun, goofy, low-budget Charles Band Full Moon films. You know, like Puppet Master or Blood Dolls or Evil Bong or Gingerdead Man? The movies you pick up for a buck or two knowing they'll be stupid as heck, but will still enjoy them because they revel in how stupid and low-budget they are. And I think that's part of why I was able to enjoy it to an extent, as someone who grew up watching a lot of Charles Band productions.
This definitely does have shades of a lot of their work... tiny critters tormenting a small cast of characters with plenty of low-brow humor thrown in, while also being somewhat self-aware of the fact that it's not really "high art", but is just mindless entertainment.
I get the feeling Kevin Smith knew what he was doing and just wanted to make something fun and silly and stupid as sin. And I actually don't hate it. It's not good by any means, and a few too many jokes fall flat, but for something I saw for free on Netflix, I got a small kick out of it.
And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?